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Sanskrit Dictionary Volume II (N through Y)

Sanskrit dictionary Volume I

a ·  b ·  c ·  d ·  e ·  g ·  h ·  i ·  j ·  k ·  l ·  m

Sanskrit dictionary Volume II

n ·  o ·  p ·  r ·  s ·  t ·  u ·  v ·  y

na = not	
naabhiideshaM = nAbhI+deshaM, navel+region/country	
naabhijaanaati = does not know	
naabhiM = navel	
naabhipedaasana = the upward ankle-twist posture	
naada = Sound	
naadabrahma = Blissful tone	
naadaH = the sound	
naaDii = a channel within the subtle body	
naaDiishodhana = the purification of the nadis	
naaga = snake	
naagaanaaM = of the manyhooded serpents	
naagaashana = peacock (whose food is snakes)	
naagabandha = cobra pattern, a form of poetry	
naagaphaNii = cactus	
naagavalli = the paan (betel leaf)	
naagendra = elephant	
naaka = heaven, sky	
naalaH = (m) tap	
naalikaa = (f) pipe	
naama = Name	
naamabhiH = the names of rAma	
naamabhirdivyaiH = by the divine `nAmAs'(names)	
naaman.h = name	
naamasmaraNaat.h = (exceept) through/from rememberance of the lord's name	
naamayati = to bend	
naanaa = many	
naanaabhaavaan.h = multifarious situations	
naanaavidhaani = variegated	
naaNakam.h = (n) coin	
naanR^itaM = na + anR\^itaM: not untruth	
naantaM = no end	
naanyagaaminaa = without their being deviated	
naanyaM = na+anyaM, no other	
naaraayaaNa = the supporter of life - Vishnu	
naaraayaNaH = Lord Narayana	
naaradaH = Narada	
naaraN^gaphalam.h = (n) orange	
naarasi.nhii = pertaining to Narasimha	
naarii = female	
naariiNaaM = of women	
naarikela = coconut	
naarikelaH = (m) coconut	
naarikelam.h = (n) coconut	
naaryaH = ( women	
naasaabhyantara = within the nostrils	
naasha = destruction	
naashaaya = for destruction	
naashaH = loss	
naashanaM = the destroyer	
naashanam.h = destroyer	
naashayaami = dispel	
naashayati = destroys	
naashha = destruction	
naashitaM = is destroyed	
naasikaa = nose	
naasti = na+asti, not there	
naaTaka = (m) a play , drama	
naath = lord	
naatha = Protector	
naathaaya = to the protector or lord	
naava = a boat	
naavaasana = the boat posture	
naayakaaH = captains	
nabhaH = the sky	
nabhaHspR^ishaM = touching the sky	
nabhastala = sky	
Nactan' = 'nigth	
nada = The Universal Sound. Vibration	
nadi = (f) river	
nadiinaaM = of the rivers	
naga = the vital air that causes burping	
naH = by us	
nahi = No; never	
nahyati = (4 pp) to bind	
naisargikabala = Natural strength and a part of Shad Bala or Six strength calculation method of planetary weighting	
naishaa = na + eshA:no + this(fem.)	
naishhkarmyakarma = actionless action	
naishhkarmyaM = freedom from reaction	
naishhkarmyasiddhiM = the perfection of nonreaction	
naishhkR^itikaH = expert in insulting others	
naishhThikiiM = unflinching	
naitika = (adj) ethical	
naiva = never is it so	
nakha = nail	
nakra = a crocodile	
nakshatra = A division of the Zodiac into 27 parts. There were originally 28 parts but one seems to have been dropped. Each Division is ruled by a planet and is further divided into Padas or quarters. The nakshatra contains 9 navaa.nshas and forms the bas	
nakshatraaNaaM = of the stars	
nakshatram.h = (n) constellation	
nakta.ncharaantakam.h = the finisher(destroyer) of the	
nakulaH = (m) a mongoose	
nalinii = lotus	
naliniidalagata = nalinI+dala+gata, lotus+petal+reached/gone	
nam.h = to salute	
namaami = I bow	
namaamyaham.h = namAmi+ahaM, bow+I	
namaH = a salute	
namaskaara = Salutation	
namaskaaraniichamanii = Salutation to evil minded	
namaskR^itvaa = offering obeisances	
namaskuru = offer obeisances	
namaste = offering my respects unto You	
namasyantaH = offering obeisances	
namasyanti = are offering respects	
namati = to bow	
nameran.h = they should offer proper obeisances	
namo = salutation	
namya = (adj) bendable	
nandaH = nanda	
nandana = child	
nandati = revels	
nandatyeva = nandati+eva, revels alone/revels indeed	
nanu = really	
napu.nsakaM = neuter	
nara = Man	
naraadhamaaH = lowest among mankind	
naraadhamaan.h = the lowest of mankind	
naraadhipaM = the king	
naraaNaaM = among human beings	
naraH = a man	
naraiH = by men	
narajanma = human birh	
naraka = hell	
narakaaya = for the hell	
narakasya = of hell	
narake = in hell	
naralokaviiraaH = kings of human society	
narapuN^gavaH = hero in human society	
nararaakshasa = adj. devil incarnate	
narasi.nha = the man-lion, fourth incarnation of Vishnu	
narka = Hell	
nartakii = (f) danseuse , a female dancer	
nartana = Dance	
nashhTa = Destroyed or missing birth data. A method of calculating the Chart when one has missing data	
nashhTaan.h = all ruined	
nashhTaH = scattered	
nashhTe = being destroyed	
nashvara = Temporary	
nashyaatsu = being annihilated	
nashyati = (4 pp) to perish, to be destroyed	
nata = Bowed	
nataaH = bowed down	
naTaH = (m) actor, filmstar	
nataraaja = Lord of the dancers, a name of Shiva	
nataraajaasana = the Lord of the Dance posture	
naTi = Actress	
naTii = (f) actress, heroine	
nau = us	
naukaa = Boat	
naukiilakam.h = (n) anchor	
nauli = an abdominal exercise (lauliki)	
nava = (adj) nine	
navaa.nsha = A Varga. The Ninth divisional harmonic. Used with the Rashi, Chandra and bhaava charts to determine a basic delineation. Used for reading the delineations of the Spouse	
navaani = new garments	
navadvaare = in the place where there are nine gates	
navakamaladala = newly blossomed lotus petal (another meaning for `nava' is	
navaM = a boat	
navami = Ninth Tithi of the Moon	
navavastu = New article	
naviinam.h = (adj) new	
nayana = eye	
nayanaM = eyes	
nayet.h = must bring under	
ne = not	
netaa = (m) leader	
neti = not so	
netiyoga = cleansing of the nostrils	
netra = eye	
netraM = eyes	
neyaM = is to be lead/taken	
ni = down	
ni.HkR^ishThkuliinaH = adj. born to a lowly family	
ni+vid.h = to tell	
ni+vR^it.h = to go away	
nibaddha = tied down (from bandh)	
nibaddhaH = conditioned	
nibadh{}nanti = do bind	
nibadhnaati = binds	
nibadhnanti = bind	
nibadhyate = becomes affected	
nibandhaaya = for bondage	
nibhR^ita = are served	
nibodha = just take note of, be informed	
nibodhita(H) = (masc.Nom.sing.)having been enlightened	
nicholaH = (m) skirt	
nichR^idgaayatriichchha.ndaH = the prosody form is `nichR\^it.h gAyatrii'	
nidhaanaM = resting place	
nidhaanikaa = (f) cupboard, almariah	
nidhanaani = when vanquished	
nidhanaM = destruction	
nidhi = reservoir, treasure	
nididhyaasana = meditation and contemplation	
nidraa = sleep	
nidraabhiH = and sleep	
nigachchhati = attains	
nigaDaH = (m) handcuffs	
nigR^ihiitaani = so curbed down	
nigR^ihNaami = withhold	
nigrahaH = repression	
nigrahaM = subduing	
niguuDhaa = cast in	
niH = without	
nihan.h = destroy	
nihataaH = killed	
nihatya = by killing	
niHsheshha = remainderless	
niHshreNikaa = (f) ladder	
niHshreyasakarau = leading to the path of liberation	
niHspR^ihaH = desireless	
niHsvana = silent (without sound)	
nii = to take	
niicha = the inferior man	
niichabhaN^ga = neechabhanga Raja Yoga. A combination whereby a debilitated planet by virtue of its placement and association of relevant planets can reverse and bestow great wealth and power	
niichaM = low	
niichamanii = Evil minded	
niiDa = (masc, neut) nest	
niila = (adj) blue	
niilaabja = blue lotus	
niilalohitaH = navy blue colour	
niilotpalashyaamaM = bearing the bluish black color of blue lilies	
niiradaabham.h = bearing a resemblance to rain-bearing cloud i.e with	
niiraja = (n) lotus	
niire = water	
niiruja = free from disease	
niita = taken	
niitiH = morality	
nija = one's own	
nijakarma = nija+karma, one's+duty(normal work)	
nikaH = rays	
nikR^ishhTa = inferior	
nikR^itii = (f) falsehood, cunning move	
nikshepaNaya = for putting down (the next step)	
nikshipati = to throw in	
nilimpa = a pictured one: a god	
nimajjati = to drown	
nimba = neem	
niMbhuminyak.h = (f) a woman who can't get enough	
nimeshhaat.h = in the twinkling of the eye	
nimiilita = closed	
nimishhan.h = closing	
nimittaani = causes	
nimittamaatraM = just the cause	
nimnagaa = (f) river	
ninaada = sound	
nind.h = to condemn	
nindaa = in defamation	
nindantaH = while vilifying	
nindati = (1 pp) to blame	
nipaana = (n) a pond	
niraahaarasya = by negative restrictions	
niraalamba = unsupported	
niraamaya = (adj) healthy, disease-free	
niraashiiH = without desire for profit	
niraashrayaH = without any shelter	
nirahaN^kaaraH = without false ego	
niraJNjana = pure, free from falsehood	
nirapavaadaH = free from blemish	
nirarthakaM = needlessly	
nirasta = removed	
nirastapaadapa = (adj) barren, tree-less	
nirataH = engaged	
niratiyasha = (adj) unsurpassed, perfect	
nirayana = Sidereal or fixed Zodiac without precession	
nirbhara = dependent	
nirdaalana = Destruction	
nirdeshaH = indication	
nirdeshakaH = (m) director	
nirdhana = poor	
nirdhanayoga = Combinations for poverty	
nirdhuuta = cleansed	
nirdishati = to indicate, to point out	
nirdoshhaM = flawless	
nirdvandvaH = without duality	
nirguNaM = without material qualities	
nirguNatvaat.h = due to being transcendental	
niriiha = the desireless person	
niriihataa = Lack of desire	
niriikshe = may look upon	
nirlipta = unstainedness	
nirmaa = to create	
nirmala = clear	
nirmalaM = purified	
nirmalatvaat.h = being purest in the material world	
nirmamaH = without a sense of proprietorship	
nirmita = made	
nirmitavataH = of the author	
nirmohatvaM = non-infatuated state/clearheadedness	
nirmuktaaH = free from	
nirmuulana = uprootment	
nirodha = control or restraint	
niruddhaM = being restrained from matter	
nirudhya = confining	
nirvaachana = (m ?) election	
nirvaaNa = freedom of the personal soul from the physical world	
nirvaaNaparamaaM = cessation of material existence	
nirvaapayati = to douse	
nirvaata = (adj) windless	
nirvairaH = without an enemy	
nirvedaM = callousness	
nirvichaara = non-investigational meditation	
nirvikaaraH = without change	
nirvisheshha = Ordinary	
nirvitarka = non-inspectional meditation	
nirvR^itiM = non-engagement, non-performance, release from bondage, salvation	
niryaasaH = (m) gum, glue	
niryogakshemaH = free from ideas of gain and protection	
nishaa = Night	
nishaachara = animals who roam around in the dark or night	
nishaacharachamuu = the army of the night-wanderers(demons)	
nishchaayakapramaaNena = thro'confirmation and proof	
nishchalaa = unmoved	
nishchalatattvaM = tranquillity/imperturbability	
nishchalati = becomes verily agitated	
nishchaya = determination	
nishchayaH = in certainty	
nishchayaM = certainty	
nishchayena = with firm determination	
nishchita = determined, ascertained	
nishchitaaH = having ascertained	
nishchitaM = confidently	
nishchitya = ascertaining	
nisheka = Coital Chart	
nishhkaasayati = to remove, to take off	
nishhkarshhaH = (m) conclusion, result	
nishhkoshhayati = to peel	
nishhpaavaH = (m) peas	
nishhpiiDayati = to squeeze	
nishhThaa = faith	
nishhThiivati = to spit	
nishiitha = night	
nishita = sharpened	
nispR^ihaH = devoid of desire	
nissaN^gatvaM = aloneness/non-attachment/detachment	
nisspR^iha = one who has no desire	
nistraiguNyaH = transcendental to the three modes of material nature	
nita = to bend	
nitaM = has been led	
nitya = always	
nityaaH = in eternity	
nityaH = eternal	
nityajaataM = always born	
nityaM = daily/always	
nityam.h = ever	
nityamadhiiyataaM = daily, may be studied	
nityasattvasthaH = in a pure state of spiritual existence	
nityashaH = regularly	
nityasya = eternal in existence	
nityatvaM = constancy	
nityavairiNa = by the eternal enemy	
nityayuktaaH = perpetually engaged	
nityayuktaH = always engaged	
nivaasa = residence	
nivaasaH = living	
nivaatasthaH = in a place without wind	
nivaha = flow	
nivahaH = (m) group, crowd, herd	
nivahena = by carrying	
nivarta.nte = return(Verb Pr.III P. plural PP)	
nivartante = come back	
nivartanti = they come back	
nivartate = he ceases from	
nivartituM = to cease	
nivasati = lives/dwells	
nivasishhyasi = you will live	
niveshaya = apply	
nivR^ittiM = not acting improperly	
niyama = self-purification through discipline	
niyamaadeva = control alone(niyamAt.h eva)	
niyamaM = regulations	
niyamya = regulating	
niyantaa = controller	
niyantraNa = (n) control	
niyantrayati = (10 pp) to control	
niyata = Discipline	
niyataaH = controlled	
niyataatmabhiH = by the self-controlled	
niyataM = always	
niyatamanasaH = with a regulated mind	
niyatasya = prescribed	
niyojaya = (verbal stem) make ready	
niyojayasi = You are engaging	
niyojitaH = engaged	
niyokshyati = will engage	
no = nor	
nR^i = man	
nR^iloke = in this material world	
nR^ipa = (m) king	
nR^ipatva = The title of king	
nR^isha.nsa = wicked	
nR^ishhu = in men	
nR^ityati = (6 pp) to dance	
nu = of course	
nuta = praised	
nuunaM = really	
nyaasaM = renunciation	
nyaaya = justice	
nyaayaadhishaH = (m) judge	
nyaayalayaH = (m) court	
nyaayavaadii = (m) lawyer	
nyaayyaM = right
ojasa = concentrated psychic power	
ojasaa = by My energy	
oN^karaasana = the OM posture	
oshhati = (1 pp) to burn
pa.ncha = five	
pa.nchamaH = (Masc.Nom.S)the fifth	
pa.nchatva.ngaM = to die	
pa.nDitaH = (Masc.nom.Sing.)learned person	
pa.ngu = cripple	
pa.nka = mud	
pa.nthaa = way	
pa.nthaaH = (masc.Nom.Sing.) path; way	
pa.nthaanaH = ways; paths	
paa = to bless	
paa.nDityaM = punditry; expertise or scholarliness	
paada = foot	
paadaaMshukam.h = (n) pyjama	
paadaaN^gushhTha = the big toe	
paadaasana = the foot above posture	
paadahastaasana = the balancing forward bend posture	
paadaM = and legs	
paadatraaNam.h = (n) shoes	
paadau = feet	
paahi = protect	
paaJNchaalikaa = (f) doll	
paaJNchajanyaM = the conchshell named Pancajanya	
paakashaalaa = (f) kitchen	
paalaniiya = should be protected or observed	
paalayati = (10 up) to protect	
paana = drinking	
paaNDava = O son of Pandu	
paaNDavaaH = the sons of Pandu	
paaNDavaanaaM = of the Pandavas	
paaNDavaaniikaM = the soldiers of the Pandavas	
paaNDavaH = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)	
paaNDitya = wisdom	
paaNDuputraaNaaM = of the sons of Pandu	
paaNi = hands	
paantha = traveller	
paapa = Bad deed	
paapaacharaNaM = pApa+AcharaNa, sin-practising	
paapaaH = sinners	
paapaat.h = from sins	
paapaatmaa = wicked people, sinners	
paapaatmanaaM = of the wicked people	
paapaghniiM = which kills the sins (the hymn)	
paapaiH = sin	
paapajanya = adj. derived from sin, son of sin :-)	
paapakR^ittamaH = the greatest sinner	
paapaM = sin	
paapavaasaniik.h = (adj) desirous of sin	
paapavaasaniik.h = adj. desirous of sin	
paapayonayaH = born of a lower family	
paapebhyaH = of sinners	
paapena = by sin	
paapeshhu = unto the sinners	
paapiiyaan.h = sinner	
paapmaanaM = the great symbol of sin	
paaradarshaka = (adj) transparent, clear	
paaraM = limit	
paarameshhTya = supreme rulership	
paaraMpaarika = traditional	
paarshhNiH = (m) heel	
paarshva = the side	
paarshva\-dhanuraasana = the sideways bow posture	
paarshva\-halaasana = the lateral plough posture	
paarshva\-sarvaaN^gaasana = the sideways shoulderstand posture	
paarshva\-shirshhaasana = the headstand posture	
paarshvaakakaasana = the sideways crow posture	
paartha = O son of Pritha	
paarthaaya = unto Arjuna	
paarthaH = Arjuna	
paarthasya = and Arjuna	
paarushhyaM = harshness	
paasha = a trap, noose, binding of the material world or relatives	
paashaasana = the noose posture	
paashaM = rope/ties	
paataala = nether-world	
paataJNjalii = author of the Yoga Sutras	
paatakaM = sinful reactions	
paatakamuula = adj. essentially criminal	
paaTalam.h = (n) rose flower	
paaThashaalaa = (f) school	
paaThayati = (1 pp, causative) to teach	
paaThiinaH = (m) prawns	
paaThyakrama = syllabus	
paatita = taken down	
paatra = vessel	
paatre = to a suitable person	
paatu = may he protect	
paavaka = gold	
paavakaH = fire	
paavanaani = purifying	
pachaami = I digest	
pachanti = prepare food	
pachati = (1 pp) to cook	
pachyante = are cooked?	
pada = step	
padaani = words or steps	
padaiH = by the aphorisms	
padakam.h = (n) medal	
padaM = the step	
padhashala = school	
padma = lotus	
padmaakshaM = lotus-eyed	
padmaasana = the lotus posture	
padmanaabha = a name of Vishnu	
padmapatraM = a lotus leaf	
paJNcha = five	
paJNchamaM = the fifth	
paksha = (m) political party, fortnight	
pakshabala = Strength based on the Lunar phases. Used in Shad Bala calculations	
pakshayoH = to the parties	
pakshi = bird	
pakshin.h = (masc) bird	
pakshiNaaaM = of birds	
pakshma = eyelid	
pakvaM = ripe	
pala = Moment	
palaaNDuH = (m) onion	
palaayituM = to run away	
palitaM = ripened(grey)	
paN^ka = mud	
paNa = Play	
panaparaH = Succedant houses. Houses 2, 5, 8 and 11	
panasaphalam.h = (n) jackfruit	
paNavaanaka = small drums and kettledrums	
paNca = (adj) five	
panchaaN^ga = Fivefold method of forecasting. Also the name of a Vedic Astrological Almanac. It is based upon Vara, nakshatra, Tithi, karaNa and Yoga	
panchamii = Fifth lunar Tithi	
paNDita = learned man	
paNdita = the wise man	
paNDitaaH = the learned	
paNDitaM = learned	
pankajasthiita = adj. gutter fallen	
pansi = (m) an alternative man	
pantha = sects, based on the word path	
panthaH = wayfarer?	
papakartariyoga = Hemmed in between 2 malefics	
para-piiDaa = harrasment of others	
para = other	
para.ntapa = O chastiser of the enemies	
paraa = beyond, higher	
paraakrama = valor	
paraakramaaNaaM = of valients	
paraakramaH = the daring warrior	
paraaM = transcendental	
paraaN^gmukhii = facing inwards	
paraaNi = superior	
paraardha = other end	
paraashara = Maharishi Parashar(a). One of the Fathers of Vedic Astrology. Author of the text which is the basis for the most commonly used Astrological System in India	
paraayaNaaH = so inclined	
paraayaNaH = being so destined	
paraayaNaM = the one to be worshipped	
paradesha-sahama = Sensitive point related to foreign travel	
paradesha = foreign land, foreign country	
paradharmaat.h = than duties mentioned for others	
paradharmaH = duties prescribed for others	
paraH = in the next life	
parahaste = (loc.sing.) in other person's hand	
parahyaH = day before yesterday	
paraM = better	
parama = highest, the utmost, most excellent	
paramaa = greatest	
paramaaH = the highest goal of life	
paramaaM = the supreme	
paramaananda = one who leads to the greatest happiness	
paramaatma = the Supersoul	
paramaatmaa = the supreme spirit	
paramaatman.h = The soul within the Divine sphere	
paramaH = perfect	
paramaha.nsa = a highest spiritual/discriminatory  state(from Swan)	
paramaM = supreme	
paramesha = God	
parameshhvaasaH = the great archer	
parameshvara = O Supreme Lord	
parameshvaraM = the Supersoul	
paramparaa = by disciplic succession	
paraMparaa = tradition	
parantapa = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies	
parantapaH = the chastiser of the enemies	
paraprakaashita = reflectively illumined like planets or moon	
parashuH = (m) axe	
parashuraama = sixth incarnation of Vishnu	
parashvaH = day after tomorrow	
paraspara = mutually	
parasparaM = mutually	
parastaat.h = transcendental	
parasya = to others	
parataH = superior	
parataraH = later	
parataraM = superior	
parayaa = of a high grade	
pare = in the lofty;high;supreme	
pari = sufficiently	
pari+aT.h = to tour	
paribhaavaya = deem well/visualise	
parichakshate = is called	
paricharya = service	
parichaya = familiarity	
parichayaat.h = (masc.abl.sing.) from familiarity; from knowing the facts	
parichhinna = precise (literally, cut around)	
parichintayan.h = thinking of	
paridahyate = is burning	
paridevanaa = lamentation	
parigha = a bolt for shutting a gate	
parighaasana = the locked gate posture	
parigiiyamaana = singing	
parigraha = hoarding	
parigrahaH = sense of proprietorship over possessions	
parigrahaM = and acceptance of material things	
pariGYaataa = the knower	
parihaaraH = (m) compensation	
parihR^i = to abandon	
pariikshaa = test	
pariikshate = to examine	
parikaraH = attempt	
parikiirtitaH = is declared	
pariklishhTaM = grudgingly	
parimaaNaH = (m) volume, size	
parimaargitavyaM = has to be searched out	
parimita = (adj) limited to, bounded, surrounded by	
parimiti = (f) limits, boundary	
pariNaamaH = (m) effect, result	
pariNaame = at the end	
paripaalana = Protection	
paripaalanaM = observance/governance	
paripaalaya = please maintain and cultivate	
paripanthinau = stumbling blocks	
pariprachchh.h = to enquire	
pariprashnena = by submissive inquiries	
paripuurNa = full	
parisamapyate = end	
parishaantaa = that gives peace or solace	
parishushhyati = is drying up	
paritoshha = satisfaction	
paritraaNaaya = for the deliverance	
parityaagaH = renunciation	
parityaagii = renouncer	
parityaj.h = to sacrifice	
parityajya = abandoning	
parityakta = deprived of	
parivaaraH = (m) relatives, family	
parivartana = Exchange of two signs	
parivartanaM = (n) transformation, change	
parivartanam.h = (n) transformation, change	
parivartin.h = one that changes	
pariveshhayati = to serve food	
pariveshhTR^i = attendent	
parivraajaka = wanderer	
parjanyaat.h = from rains	
parjanyaH = rain	
parNa = leaf	
parNaani = the leaves	
parNakuTii = (f) a thatched hut	
parnashala = place for performing sacrifices	
paropadeshe = (Loc.S) in advising others	
paropakaara = benefitting others (para-upakAra)	
paropakaaraaya = (Dative S) for helping others or for doing good to others	
parusha = (adj) rough	
parvata = mountain	
parvataasana = the mountain posture	
paryaaptaM = limited	
paryaavaraNam.h = (n) environment	
paryaN^ka = a bed	
paryantaM = including	
paryupaasate = worship perfectly	
paryushhitaM = decomposed	
pashchaaddhanta = later on in the end	
pashchaat.h = later	
pashchima = west, the back of the body	
pashchimottoanaasana = the back-stretching posture	
pashu = animal	
pashubhiH = ( animals	
pashya = see (from dRish.h)	
pashyaama = we see	
pashyaami = I see	
pashyaatmaanaM = see your own self	
pashyan.h = seeing	
pashyannapi = even after seeing	
pashyanti = see	
pashyataH = for the introspective	
pashyati = sees	
pashyemaakshabhiH = May we see through the eyes	
pashyemaakshabhiryajatraaH = may we see with eyes?	
pashyet.h = see	
pat.h = to fall	
pataga = Bird	
paTagR^iham.h = (n) a tent	
pataN^gaaH = moths	
patana = falling	
patanti = fall down	
patati = (1 pp) to fall	
patatrin.h = bird	
pataye = husband	
path.h = road	
paTh.h = to read	
paThaami = read	
paThanaM = reading	
paThaniiyaa = should be read	
paThet.h = may read	
pathi = on the path	
pathika = traveller	
paThitvaa = after reading	
pathya = suitable	
pati = husband	
patireka = He is the One Lord	
patitaM = fallen (past part.)	
patni = wife	
patnii = wife	
patra = leaf	
patraalayam.h = (n) post office	
patrakaaraH = (m) journalist	
patraM = a leaf	
patram.h = (n) a letter, note	
patrapeTikaa = (m) letter-box	
patravaahaH = (m) postman	
patrikaa = (f) newspaper, magazine	
pattanam.h = (n) town, city	
paTu = (adj) skilled, clever	
patyuH = Lord's	
pau.nDraM = the conch named Paundra	
paulastya = ravaNa	
paura = (masc) townsman	
paurushha = manliness, virility, courage, effort	
paurushhaM = ability	
paurvadehikaM = from the previous body	
pautra = (m) grandson (son's son)	
pautraaH = grandsons	
pautraan.h = grandsons	
pautri = (f) granddaughter (son's daughter)	
pavana = breeze	
pavanaH = air/breath	
pavanamuktaasana = the knee squeeze posture	
pavataaM = of all that purifies	
pavitraM = sanctified	
payas.h = water	
payoda = cloud (one who gives water)	
payodhara = cloud	
payodhi = (m) sea, ocean	
payodhii = sea (one that stores water)	
pedabhaila = (m) a father who loves his son very much	
peya = should be drunk	
phal.h = to bear fruit	
phala = fruit	
phalaakaaN^kshii = desiring fruitive results	
phalaani = results	
phalaanumeyaaH = fruits resembling actions	
phaladaa = giver of fruits (rewards , results )	
phaladiipika = A classical work on Astrology by Mantreswara	
phalahetavaH = those desiring fruitive results	
phalaiH = results	
phalakaH = (m) board, blackboard, bill-board	
phalaM = results	
phale = in the result	
phaleshhu = in the fruits	
phaNin.h = snake	
phaTaaTopa = (m) expanding of the hood by a cobra	
phenaH = (m) foam	
phenakam.h = (n) soap	
phulla = open, flowered	
pi.nDe = truncated or lump of a body or rice/flourball given in oblation	
pib.h = to drink	
piba.ntu = (Vr.Imp.III P Pl.PP) let them drink	
pibati = (1 pp) to drink	
pibet.h = (Verb. Imp. III P.S.PP) may one drink	
pichchham.h = (n) feather	
piDaa = pain	
pidadhaati = to close	
pidhaanam.h = (n) cork	
pihitapatram.h = (n) an envelope	
piiDana = harrasment	
piiDayaa = by torture	
piiDayati = (10 up) to oppress	
piiDita = Distress. Usually caused by Combust position of planet	
piinaH = (m) something you suck on	
piita = yellow	
piitaM = yellow	
piitavaasasam.h = wearing the yellow dress	
piiTha = sitting base	
piJNcha = the chin, feather	
piJNjaH = (m) an electirc switch	
pikaH = cuckoo	
piN^galaa = the channel on the right of the spine	
piNDa = morsel of food	
pipaasaa = thirst	
pipaasita = thirsty	
pipiilikaa = ant	
pitaa = father	
pitaamaha = (m) grandfather (father's father)	
pitaamahaaH = grandfathers	
pitaamahaan.h = grandfathers	
pitaamahaH = the grandfather	
pitaamahi = (f) grandmother (father's mother)	
pitaambara = yellow sacred clean cloth worn by gods and priest	
pitaH = (m) father	
pitaraH = fathers	
piteva = like a father	
pitR^i-kaaraka = Significator of Father which is the Sun	
pitR^i = father	
pitR^iin.h = to the ancestors	
pitR^iiNaaM = of the ancestors	
pitR^in.h = fathers	
pitR^ivrataaH = worshipers of ancestors	
pitta = Biological Fire humour. Used in Ayurvedic Medical Typology	
pkasha = (masc) wing	
plavate = to swim	
plihaa = the spleen	
potaka = young one of an animal	
poTalikaa = (f) a sack	
pR^ichchhaami = ask	
pR^ichchhati = inquires/asks/minds	
pR^ichhati = (6 pp) to ask, to question	
pR^ishhThabhumikaa = (f) background	
pR^ishhThataH = (adv) above	
pR^ishhThebhaanuH = pRishhThe+bhaanuH, behind+sun	
pR^ithag.hvidhaaH = variously arranged	
pR^ithag.hvidhaan.h = different	
pR^ithag.hvidhaM = of different kinds	
pR^ithagbhaavaM = separated identities	
pR^ithak.h = each separately	
pR^ithakkaraNam.h = (n) analysis	
pR^ithaktvena = in duality	
pR^ithiviiM = Earth	
pR^ithiviipate = O King	
pR^ithivyaaM = in the earth	
pR^ithvii = earth	
pra+chal.h = to agitate	
pra+sah.h = to withstand, endure	
pra+sha.ns.h = to praise	
praachii = (f) east	
praachiinam.h = (adj) old, ancient	
praadhaanyataH = which are principal	
praagalbhya = development, depth, maturity	
praaGYa = wise man	
praaGYaH = the learned man	
praaha = told	
praahuH = they say	
praaJNjalayaH = with folded hands	
praak.h = a long time ago	
praakR^itaH = materialistic	
praaktanaaH = earlier ones?	
praamaaNyaM = proof	
praaN.h = life	
praaNa = Soul	
praaNaan.h = life (always used in plural )	
praaNaapaanau = up-and down-moving air	
praaNaayaama = control of the breath	
praaNakarmaaNi = functions of the life breath	
praaNaM = the air which acts outward	
praaNavaayu = a vital air that moves in the chest	
praaNe = in the air going outward	
praaNeshhu = in the outgoing air	
praaNeshvara = husband	
praaNinaaM = of all living entities	
praanta = the end	
praap.h = to obtain	
praapnuvanti = achieve	
praapnuyaat.h = he attains	
praapsyasi = you gain	
praapsye = I shall gain	
praapta = occurred	
praaptaH = achieving	
praaptaM = received	
praaptiH = achievement	
praapya = achieving	
praapyate = is achieved	
praarabhate = begins	
praarambha = beginning (more motivated than aarambha)	
praaraMbhaaH = (Masc.nom.S)beginning	
praarth.h = to beg / pray	
praarthanaa = Prayer	
praarthayante = pray for	
praarthe = request, pray	
praasaada = palace	
praataH = morning	
praataHkaala = morning	
praataradhiiyaano = morning-studied man	
praavaarakam.h = (n) coat	
praayojakaH = (m) sponsor	
prabhaa = light	
prabhaashheta = speaks	
prabhaata = morning	
prabhaavaH = influence	
prabhavaan.h = born of	
prabhavaH = the source of manifestation	
prabhavaiH = born of	
prabhavaM = origin, opulences	
prabhavanti = become manifest	
prabhavasya = of borned	
prabhavati = is manifest	
prabhavishhNu = developing	
prabho = Oh Lord	
prabhR^iti = from	
prabhu = lord, king (here)	
prabhuddho = having risen( after sleep, unconscious state)	
prabhuH = the master of the city of the body	
prabhuuta = large quantity	
prachalita = something that has started	
prachchhanna = covered, secretly clad	
prachodayaat.h = (abl.Sing.)from His inducement or stirring the consciousness	
prachura = many	
pradaa = one that bestows	
pradaaH = causing	
pradaana = giving	
pradadhmatuH = sounded	
pradarshayati = to display, to exhibit	
pradarshinii = (f) exhibition	
pradesha = Territory	
pradeya = worth diving	
pradhaana = important	
pradigdhaan.h = tainted with	
pradiipaH = (Masc.Nom.S)lamp; name of a person	
pradiiptaM = blazing	
pradishhTaM = indicated	
pradushhaNam.h = (n) pollution	
pradushhyanti = become polluted	
pradvishhantaH = blaspheming	
pragatiH = (m) progress, developments	
praGYaa = (f) intelligence, grasping-power	
praGyaa = intellect	
praGYaaM = intelligence	
praGYaanaM = greater knowledge or awareness	
praGYaavaadaan.h = learned talks	
prahaasyasi = you can be released from	
prahara = Part of the day	
praharaNa = arms	
praharaNaaH = equipped with	
praharati = to knock	
prahasan.h = smiling	
prahiNoshi = you strike	
prahlaada = a devotee of Vishnu	
prahlaadaH = Prahlada	
prahR^i = to  hit	
prahR^ishhyati = is rejoicing	
prahR^ishhyet.h = rejoices	
prahR^ittaM = ready to strike	
prajaa = people, subjects (especially ruled and protected by a king)	
prajaaH = generations	
prajaanaaM = (dative of)people	
prajaanaami = do I know	
prajaanaati = knows	
prajaapati = Lord of created beings	
prajaapatiH = the Lord of creatures	
prajaaprabhutvaM = (n) democracy	
prajaata.ntuM = the umbilical cord?	
prajahaati = gives up	
prajahi = curb	
prajanaH = the cause for begetting children	
prajvaalitaH = ( ger.Masc.nom.sing.)rekindled; inflamed;fuelled the flames	
prakaala = Armageddon	
prakaara = variety, options	
prakaareNa = means; method	
prakaasha = shining, clear	
prakaashaH = manifest	
prakaashakaM = illuminating	
prakaashaM = illumination	
prakaashana = Publication	
prakaashate = to shine	
prakaashayati = discloses	
prakaashita = (adj) published	
prakaroti = do	
prakaTitaa = has appeared , been bestowed	
prakiirtya = by the glories	
prakopa = aggravation	
prakoshhThaH = (m) room	
prakR^iteH = of material nature	
prakR^iti = Nature	
prakR^itiH = nature	
prakR^itii = Nature	
prakR^itijaan.h = produced by the material nature	
prakR^itijaiH = born of the modes of material nature	
prakR^itiM = nature	
prakR^itisthaH = being situated in the material energy	
prakR^ityaa = by nature	
prakshaalana = washing off	
prakshaalayati = to wash	
pralapan.h = talking	
pralayaantaaM = unto the point of death	
pralayaH = annihilation	
pralayaM = dissolution	
pralaye = in the annihilation	
praliinaH = being dissolved	
praliiyante = are annihilated	
praliiyate = is annihilated	
prama = greatest	
pramaada = indifference	
pramaadaat.h = out of foolishness	
pramaadaH = madness	
pramaade = in madness	
pramaaNa = authority, an ideal	
pramaaNaM = example	
pramaathi = agitating	
pramaathiini = agitating	
pramadaH = (become) proud or arrogant	
pramathapataye = to the lord destroying pride	
pramuchyate = is completely liberated	
pramudita = joyous	
pramukhaH = (m) leader, chief (adj) principal, main	
pramukhataH = in front of	
pramukhe = in the front	
praNamya = offering obeisances	
praNashhTaH = dispelled	
praNashyaami = am lost	
praNashyanti = become vanquished	
praNashyati = one falls down	
praNava = another name for AUM	
praNavaH = the three letters a-u-m	
praNayena = out of love	
praNidhaana = dedication	
praNidhaaya = laying down	
praNipaatena = by approaching a spiritual master	
praNudati = to push, to press, to ring a bell	
prapadyante = surrender	
prapadyate = surrenders	
prapadye = surrender	
prapannaM = surrendered	
prapashya = just see	
prapashyaami = I see	
prapashyadbhiH = by those who can see	
prapitaamahaH = the great-grandfather	
prasaadaat.h = by favour , grace	
prasaadajaM = born of the satisfaction	
prasaadaM = the mercy of the Lord	
prasaadaye = to beg mercy	
prasaade = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord	
prasaadhayati = to comb	
prasaaraH = (m) broadcast, propoganda, expanse	
prasaarayati = to spread	
prasaarita = stretched out	
prasaarya = (gerund) holding forth	
prasabhaM = by force	
prasahyasaahin.h = he who overcomes the powerful	
prasaktaaH = attached	
prasaktaanaaM = for those who are attached	
prasaN^ga = event, happenning, incidence	
prasaN^gena = because of attachment	
prasannaa = is pleased	
prasannaatmaa = fully joyful	
prasannachetasaH = of the happy-minded	
prasannam.h = with pleasant, satisfied look	
prasannena = happily	
prasavishhyadhvaM = be more and more prosperous	
prashaanta = unagitated	
prashaantaM = at rest or passionless	
prashaantasya = who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mind	
prashaste = in bona fide	
prashNa = Horary Astrology. The word means question or query	
prashnaM = question	
prashtara-ashhTakavarga = Planetary spreadsheet of points used in transits and predictions	
prashvaasa = expiration	
prasid.hdhyet.h = is effected	
prasiddhaH = famous(Masc.nom.S)	
prasiida = be pleased	
prasR^itaa = extended	
prasR^itaaH = extended	
prata = Quality	
prataapavaan.h = the valiant	
pratapanti = are scorching	
prathaa = (f) fame	
prathama = first	
prathamaM = in the first place	
prathita = renowned	
prathitaH = celebrated	
prati = towards	
pratibimbam.h = (n) reflection	
pratidinaM = every day	
pratiichii = (f) west	
pratijaane = I promise	
pratijaaniihi = declare	
pratiloma = going against the grain	
pratimaa = (f) statue	
pratinidhii = (m) representative, delegate	
pratinivishhTa = perverse, obstinate	
pratipadyate = attains	
pratirodhaH = (m) opposition	
pratishhThaa = the rest	
pratishhThaapya = placing	
pratishhThitaa = fixed	
pratishhThitaM = situated	
pratispardhii = rival, competitor	
prativasati = lives adjunctly	
prativeshin.h = (m) neighbour	
pratiyotsyaami = shall counterattack	
pratyaahaara = control of the senses	
pratyaaniikeshhu = on the opposite sides	
pratyaksha = direct evidence	
pratyakshaM = standing before the eye	
pratyavaayaH = diminution	
pratyupakaaraarthaM = for the sake of getting some return	
prauchchaarita = (adj) loud, prominent	
pravaaha = current	
pravaalaaH = twigs	
pravaasaH = (m) journey, travel, trip	
pravachanena = (instr.sing.)thro' discourse or lecture	
pravadanti = say	
pravadataaM = of arguments	
pravakshyaami = I shall explain	
pravakshye = I shall explain	
pravartaka = (adj m) a promoter	
pravartante = they flourish	
pravartate = act	
pravartitaM = established by the Vedas	
praveshhTuM = to enter into	
pravibhaktaani = are divided	
pravibhaktaM = divided	
praviiNa = expert	
praviliiyate = merges entirely	
pravish.h = to enter	
pravisha = enter	
pravishanti = enter	
pravistaram.h = extensively	
pravR^iddhaaH = developed	
pravR^iddhaH = great	
pravR^iddhe = developed	
pravR^idh.h = to grow fast	
pravR^ittaH = engaged	
pravR^itte = while about to engage	
pravR^itti = (f) tendency, behaviour	
pravR^ittiH = activity	
pravR^ittiM = mission	
pravyathita = perturbed	
pravyathitaaH = perturbed	
pravyathitaM = perturbed	
prayaaNa = of death	
prayaaNakaale = at the time of death	
prayaanti = they go	
prayaantu = may go to	
prayaataaH = having departed	
prayaati = goes	
prayachchhati = offers	
prayantu = may go	
prayataatmanaH = from one in pure consciousness	
prayatna = excertion	
prayatnaat.h = by rigid practice	
prayoga = practice	
prayogaH = (m) experiment	
prayogashaalaa = (f) laboratory	
prayojana = (n) reason	
prayojaniiyaM = should use	
prayu.njaano = combined	
prayujyate = is used	
prayujyet.h = is used	
prayuktaH = impelled	
prayuktavyaM = should be used	
prema = Divine Love	
prepsuH = desiring	
preshh.h = to send	
preshhaNaani = postings	
preshhaNaM = posting	
preshhayaami = present, post	
preshhayanti = post or send	
preshhayet.h = present	
preshhTha = (past part.)sent (thing)	
pretaan.h = spirits of the dead	
pretya = after death	
priitamanaaH = pleased in mind	
priiti = and satisfaction	
priitiH = pleasure	
priitipuurvakaM = in loving ecstasy	
priiyamaaNaaya = thinking you dear to Me	
priya = dear	
priyaaH = palatable	
priyaayaaH = with the dearmost	
priyaH = dear	
priyakR^ittamaH = more dear	
priyaM = the pleasant	
priyamvada = (f) one who speaks agreeable things	
priyataraH = dearer	
priyavaadii = one who speaks nice things	
prochyamaanaM = as described by Me	
prochyate = are said	
prokta = said	
proktaa = were said	
proktaaH = spoken	
proktaani = said	
proktaanyenaiva = proktAn.h + ena + eva:said + this + alone	
proktaH = spoken	
proktaM = is called	
proktavaan.h = instructed	
protaM = is strung	
pu.nDariika = lotus	
pu.nlingaM = masculine	
pu.nsaaM = to the males (to all people)	
pu.nsaH = of a person	
pu.nstriiliN^ge = masculine	
puchchha = tail	
puchchham.h = (n) tail	
pujaarii = priest	
pujayati = (10 pp) to worship	
pulakita = shivering with joy	
pumaan.h = a person	
punaami = shall purify	
punaH = again (on the other hand)	
punarapi = punaH+api, again \& again	
punaravasuu = Seventh nakshatra	
punarjanma = rebirth	
punashcha = and again	
punkhitashara = feathered arrow	
puNya = purification acquired by virtuous deeds	
puNyaaH = righteous	
puNyaapuNya = virtues \ +  sins	
puNyaaya = (Dative S) for virtu	
puNyaH = original	
puNyakarmaNaaM = of the pious	
puNyakR^itaM = of those who performed pious activities	
puNyaM = pious	
puNyaphalaM = result of pious work	
puNye = the results of their pious activities	
puraa = formerly	
puraaNaaH = Purana	
puraaNaH = the oldest	
puraaNaM = the oldest	
puraaNapurushhottamaH = the ancient \&the best of men	
puraaNii = very old	
puraatanaH = very old	
puraH = before or in front, East is considered front for auspicious occasion	
puraka = inhalation	
puramathana = O Destroyer of Tripura	
purandhrii = wofe	
puraskaaraH = (m) prize	
purastaat.h = from the front	
purataH = in front	
purato = in the front	
pure = in the city	
purii = stronghold, city	
purNatva = perfection	
purodhasaaM = of all priests	
purohita = priest	
purujit.h = Purujit	
purushha = man	
purushhaaH = such persons	
purushhaat.h = from the person	
purushhaH = person	
purushhaM = to a person	
purushharshhabha = O best among men	
purushhasya = of a man	
purushhau = living entities	
purushhavyaaghra = O tiger among human beings	
purushhottama = O Supreme Person	
purushhottamaH = as the Supreme Personality	
purushhottamaM = the Supreme Personality of Godhead	
purvi = (f) sunrise, east, sun	
purvottana = the front of the body	
purvottanaasana = the front-stretching posture	
pushhkalaabhiH = Vedic hymns	
pushhNaami = am nourishing	
pushhpa = flower	
pushhpadhaanii = (f) vase, flower-pot	
pushhpaM = a flower	
pushhpita = one that has flowered	
pushhpitaagraM = flowertipped (also the metre with that name)	
pushhpitaaM = flowery	
pushhTiH = nourishment	
pushhya = Eighth nakshatra	
pushhyati = (4 pp) to nourish	
pushkala = a lot	
pushya = Eighth nakshatra	
pustaka = book	
puTiikaroti = to fold, to roll (a carpet)	
putra-bhaava = House of children or the 5th	
putra = son	
putraadapi = even from the the son	
putraaH = sons	
putraan.h = sons	
putraH = son	
putrakaaraka = Significator of Offspring	
putrakR^itakaan.h = as a son	
putrasya = with a son	
putrau = 2 sons of	
putre = in(towards) the son	
putrii = with daughter(s)(here it may mean, a man with issues)	
puuj.h = to worship	
puujaa = Hindu ritual sometimes done to propitiate a planet	
puujaagR^iham.h = (n) the puja room	
puujaaM = Worship	
puujaanaM = worship	
puujaarhau = those who are worshipable	
puujaasthaanaM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S) the place of worship; altar	
puujaavidhiM = methods of worship	
puujana = worship	
puujayati = to worship	
puujita = worshiped	
puujya.nte = are worshipped (verb passive Pr.IIIP, pl.)	
puujyaH = worshipable	
puujyate = is worshipped	
puur.h = to fill	
puura = flood	
puuraya = (verbal stem) to fill	
puurayati = to pour	
puurNaat.h = From he Complete whole	
puurnaayu = Full lifespan taken as 75-120 years	
puurNaH = the complete, perfect one	
puurNamadaH = complete; whole; is that (the other worlds?)	
puurNamidaM = complete and wwhole is this world	
puurNamudachyate = complete whole is produced	
puurushhaH = a man	
puurva = previous	
puurvaabhadrapada = Twenty-fifth nakshatra	
puurvaaNi = before	
puurvaaphalguni = Eleventh nakshatra, (also just puurvaa)	
puurvaashhaDhaa = Twentieth nakshatra	
puurvaiH = by the predecessors	
puurvaka = (m) ancestors	
puurvaM = before, ago	
puurvameva = by previous arrangement	
puurvaruupaM = having this form in the beginning	
puurvataraM = in ancient times	
puurve = before	
puushhaa = a god?	
puushhNa = a name of Sun	
puuta = purified	
puutaaH = being purified	
puuti = bad-smelling
R^ichaH = the Rig Veda	
R^ichchhati = one attains	
R^iddhaM = prosperous	
R^iddham.h = enriched	
R^iitaM = truth	
R^ijuH = (adj) straight	
R^ik.h = the Rg Veda	
R^iNa = debt	
R^ishhayaH = those who are active within	
R^ishhibhiH = by the wise sages	
R^ishhiH = the sage	
R^ishhin.h = great sages	
R^itaM = truth	
R^ite = without, except for	
R^itu = season	
R^ituunaaM = of all seasons	
ra.ngaavalii = colored design	
ra.nj..h = to entertain	
raadhaa = Radha, Krishna's beloved	
raaga = Anger	
raagaatmakaM = born of desire or lust	
raagavati = red-coloured, passionate	
raaghavaH = RAghava (RAma)	
raaghavaM = thew descendant of Raghu	
raagii = very much attached	
raaGYii = (f) queen	
raahuu = North Lunar Node. Caput Draconis or Dragon's head	
raajaa = a ruler, king	
raajaadhiraaja = Overking of kings	
raajaduutaH = (m) ambassador, diplomat	
raajadvaara = doors of apalace	
raajaguhyaM = the king of confidential knowledge	
raajaha.nsa = swan	
raajaha.nsaH = the royal swan	
raajamaNiH = the jewel of the kings or the king of jewels	
raajan.h = king	
raajaniti = (f) politics	
raajarshhayaH = the saintly kings	
raajasaaH = those situated in the mode of passion	
raajasabhaa = assembly of king, advisors, and subjects	
raajasaH = in the mode of passion	
raajasaM = in the mode of passion	
raajasasya = to one in the mode of passion	
raajasii = in the mode of passion	
raajasika = Regal planets - Sun, Mars and Venus	
raajavidyaa = the king of education	
raajayoga = Combinations for Status and Power	
raaje.ndraM = the lord of kings	
raajiiv = lotus	
raajiiva = lotus	
raajiivanetraM = the lotus-eyed	
raajya = Kingdom	
raajyaM = kingdom	
raajyasukhalobhena = driven by greed for royal happiness	
raajyasya = for the kingdom	
raajyena = is the kingdom	
raakiNii = the goddess in svadhishthana	
raakshasa = demon	
raakshasiiM = demonic	
raama = Rama, deity Shrii Rama	
raamaabhoga = sexual pleasures?	
raamaannaasti = no one  is except from rAma	
raamaaya = to rAma	
raamaayaNaH = epic Ramayana, part of itihas (history)	
raamabalopetaaM = that which has been attained through rAma'a strength, power	
raamabhadra = raama who gives the well-being	
raamabhadraaya = to the good-giving, protecting RAma	
raamabhadreti = rAmabhadra+iti, saying `rAmabhadra"(raama who gives the	
raamacha.ndra = rAmachandra	
raamacha.ndraaya = to rAmachandra	
raamacha.ndraH = rAma	
raamacha.ndram.h = rAmachandra	
raamacha.ndreti = saying `rAmachandra'	
raamacha.ndro = Lord RAmachandra	
raamah = Lord Rama	
raamaH = Rama	
raamakavachaM = rAma-armour	
raamakR^ishhNa = Commonly known Ramakrishna, a saint from Bengal	
raamakR^ishhNasya = of Ramakrishna	
raamalakshmaNau = raama \& lakshmaNa	
raamaM = rAma	
raamanaama = the name of rAma (uttering of the word `rAma' only once is	
raamanaamnaa = by the name of rAma	
raamarakshaa = rAma armour or rama- protection	
raamarakshaaM = raamarakshA (hymn)	
raamarakshaastotrajape = in the chanting of rAmaraksha hymn	
raamasya = rAmaa's	
raame = in RAma	
raameNaabhihataa = the one struck by rAma	
raameti = rAma+iti saying thus rAma	
raamo = rAma	
raasalaasya = raasa dance	
raashi = Sign of the Zodiac	
raashTra = nation	
raatra = night	
raatrau = in the night	
raatri = night	
raatrichandrau = the pair of night and moon	
raatriH = night	
raatrikR^itaM = night-done	
raatriM = night	
raatryaagame = at the fall of night	
raavaNa = a demon king from Lanka who abducted the wife of Rama	
raavaNaarim.h = rAvaNasya ariM, the enemy of rAvaNa	
rabhate = (1 ap) to begin, start	
rach.h = to form	
rachayati = (10 up) to arrange	
radaM = ?	
raghukulatilakaM = the mark (e.g. one on the forehead) of the Raghu family	
raghuna.ndana = the delighter of the Raghus	
raghuna.ndanam.h = thedelighter of Raghus	
raghunaathaaya = to the lord of Raghus	
raghunaathasya = lord of the Raghu's(rAma descended from the famous	
raghunandana = Rama	
raghuttamaH = best of the Raghu race	
raghuuttamaH = the best of the raghus (raghu-descendants)	
raghuuttamau = the best two of the Raghu race	
raghuva.nshanaatham.h = the lord of the Raghu family	
raghuvaraM = the chosen Raghu	
rahasi = in a secluded place	
rahasyaM = mystery	
rajaH = (m) king	
rajakaH = (m) washerman, dhobi	
rajani = night	
rajanii = night	
rajaniichara = moon, demon	
rajasa = mobility	
rajasaH = from the mode of passion	
rajasi = of the mode of passion	
rajju = (fem) rope, straight line	
rajjuH = (m) rope	
raJNjana = entertainment, delight	
raJNjanaa = (f) a giver of delight	
rajoguNa = the mode of passion	
raksh.h = to protcet	
rakshaa = protection	
rakshaa.nsi = the demons	
rakshaaM = protecting armour	
rakshaH = the rAkshasaas	
rakshakaH = (m) guard, protector	
rakshaNa = protection	
rakshaNaaya = for protection	
rakshasa = adj. devil	
rakshati = (1 pp) to protect	
rakshitaH = (past part.masc.nom.S) the protected one	
rakshitaM = the person who has ben protected(by)	
rakshya = protection	
rakta = red	
raktaga.ndha = red scent	
raktaH = attached	
raktaM = the red one (raktaM may mean blood also)	
raktapusshhpaiH = with red flowers	
raktavaasasam.h = haaving red dress	
rama.nte = revel; enjoy (Vr.Pr.III P Pl.AP)	
ramaavaasa = the abode of rama (lakshmi)	
ramanti = enjoy transcendental bliss	
ramate = delights	
rambhaaphala = plantain	
rame = Oh! ramA (Shiva tells this shloka to his consort PArvati	
rameshaM = the lord of ramA(sItA)	
raN^gavalli = (f) rangoli	
raNa = battle	
raNaat.h = from the battlefield	
raNakarkasha = the vanquishing one in the war	
raNara.ngadhiiram.h = the brave in the stage of war	
randhrikaa = (f) punching machine	
raNe = on the battlefield	
rarijana = Entourage	
rasa = enjoyment, interest	
rasaala = mango	
rasaatmakaH = supplying the juice	
rasaayanashaastram.h = chemistry	
rasaH = sense of enjoyment	
rasanaM = tongue	
rasavarjaM = giving up the taste	
rasyaaH = juicy	
rata = engaged in	
rataaH = engaged	
ratha = chariot	
rathaM = the chariot	
rathottamaM = the finest chariot	
rathyaa = ?	
ratna = precious stones	
raudra = the sentiment of violence, wrath, rage	
ravi = a name of Sun	
raviH = the sun	
ravivaara = Sunday	
rechaka = outbreathing	
rekhaa = line	
reta = semen	
revati = Twenty-seventh nakshatra	
riitiH = procedure/practice/custom	
riN^gati = to crawl	
ripavaH = enemies	
ripu = Enemy	
ripuH = enemy	
rochate = (1 ap) to like	
roditi = to cry	
roga = disease	
rogii = patient, ill or sick person	
rohati = (1 pp) to grow	
rohiNii = Fourth nakshatra	
romaharshhaH = standing of hair on end	
romaharshhaNaM = making the hair stand on end	
ru = light	
ruchiH = taste; flavour	
rud.h = to cry	
rud.hdhvaa = checking	
rudh.h = to stop, control	
rudhira = blood	
rudra = a form of Shiva	
rudraan.h = the eleven forms of Rudra	
rudraaNaaM = of all the Rudras	
rudraH = the Destroying God	
ruksha = dry	
rupaM = beauty	
ruupa = beautiful form	
ruupaaNi = forms	
ruupaM = beaut	
ruupamaishvaraM = universal form	
ruupasa.npannau = (two)persons endowed with beautiful appearance	
ruupasya = form	
ruupeNa = form
sa-yata = attempting	
sa = he	
sa.MmuuDhabhaavin.h = adj. deluded	
sa.nchaya = collection	
sa.ndarshaya = (verbal stem) to show	
sa.ndhaanaM = combination?	
sa.ngati = company	
sa.ngatiraikaa = sa.ngatiH+ekA, company+(only) one (way)	
sa.ngavarjitaH = freed from the contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation	
sa.nghe = (loc.sing.) in Union or togetherness or group	
sa.ngiita = music	
sa.ngraama-bhuumi = (fem) battleground	
sa.ngraamaM = fighting	
sa.ngraha = collection	
sa.ngrahaH = the accumulation	
sa.ngraheNa = in summary	
sa.nGYaarthaM = for information	
sa.nGYaiH = named	
sa.nGYake = which is called	
sa.nGYitaH = is called	
sa.nGYitaM = in the matter of	
sa.nhaara = destroy (take away)	
sa.nharate = winds up	
sa.nhita = sandhi : the phonetic combination of words in sanskrit	
sa.nhitaasa.ndhiH = sa.nhitaa+sandhiH joined together?	
sa.nhR^i = to completely destroy	
sa.nhR^ishhTa = (adj) happy	
sa.nkaTa = calamity / danger	
sa.nnidhau = in the presence of, close	
sa.nnyaasa = of renunciation	
sa.nnyaasaH = renunciation of work	
sa.nnyaasaM = renunciation	
sa.nnyaasanaat.h = by renunciation	
sa.nnyaasasya = of renunciation	
sa.nnyaasena = by the renounced order of life	
sa.nnyaasii = renouncer	
sa.nnyaasiinaaM = for the renounced order	
sa.nnyasi = one who has renounced the world	
sa.nnyasta = one who has renounced	
sa.nnyasya = giving up completely	
sa.nsaara = world	
sa.nsaaraat.h = fromthe world	
sa.nsaaraH = world/family	
sa.nsaare = world	
sa.nsaareshhu = into the ocean of material existence	
sa.nsaariNo = ordinary family man	
sa.nsarga = company	
sa.nshaya = doubt	
sa.nshayaH = doubt	
sa.nshayaM = doubts	
sa.nshayasya = of the doubt	
sa.nshitavrataaH = taken to strict vows	
sa.nshritaaH = having taken shelter of	
sa.nshuddha = washed off	
sa.nshuddhiH = purification	
sa.nsiddhaH = he who is mature	
sa.nsiddhau = for perfection	
sa.nsiddhiM = in perfection	
sa.nskaara = impression, conditioning	
sa.nskR^it.h = Sanskrit	
sa.nskR^ita = refined	
sa.nskR^itashikshaNaM = learning of Sanskrit	
sa.nskR^iti = culture	
sa.nsmR^itya = remembering	
sa.nsparshajaaH = by contact with the material senses	
sa.nsparshana = (neut) contact	
sa.nstabhya = by steadying	
sa.nsthaapanaarthaaya = to reestablish	
sa.nvaadaM = conversation	
sa.nvatsara = Designated year, 60 in number and change cyclically	
sa.nvigna = distressed	
sa.nvR^ittaH = settled	
sa.nyaati = verily accepts	
sa.nyama = dharana, dhyana and samadhi taken together	
sa.nyamataaM = of all regulators	
sa.nyamii = the self-controlled	
sa.nyaminaH = tamed or self-denying like that of a hermit	
sa.nyamya = keeping under control	
sa.nyata = controlled	
sa.nyogaat.h = by the union between	
sa.nyogaM = connection	
sa.nyuktaaH = engaged	
saa = that is	
saaDesaati = Saturn's transit of the lunar 12,1,2 houses.  It lasts about 7 1\/2 years and is regarded as problematic for the Native by some Jyotishi.  If the sarvaashhTakavarga of the signs in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon have more than 30 points this	
saadhaka = an aspirant, seeker	
saadhakaM = means	
saadhana = instrument	
saadhanaa = practice, a quest	
saadharmyaM = same nature	
saadhayet.h = achieves	
saadhibhuuta = and the governing principle of the material manifestation	
saadhiyaGYaM = and governing all sacrifices	
saadhu = good man	
saadhubhaave = in the sense of the nature of the devotee	
saadhuH = a saint	
saadhushhu = unto the pious	
saadhuunaaM = of the devotees	
saadhvii = (feminine form of saadhu ie , a virtuos person )	
saadhyaaH = the Sadhyas	
saagaraat.h = from the ocean	
saagaraH = the ocean	
saagaraM = (masc.Acc.S)ocean	
saahaayyaka = (m) assitant , helper	
saahaayyam.h = (n) help, assistance	
saahaN^kaareNa = with ego	
saahasa = adventure	
saahase = (loc.sing.) in bravery or adventure	
saahitya = literature	
saajyasamidbhiH = with ghee(clarified butter) and `samidhaa' sticks	
saakaM = with	
saakshaat.h = directly	
saakshatkaara = the spirit	
saalamba = supported	
saalamba\-sarvaaN^gaasana = the supported shoulderstand posture	
saama = the Sama Veda	
saamaajika = social	
saamaani = Sama Veda	
saamaanya = common	
saamaasikasya = of compounds	
saamarthyaM = ability	
saamavedaH = the Sama Veda	
saamnaM = of the Sama Veda songs	
saaMprataM = (indeclinable) now	
saamraajya = universal soverignty	
saamye = in equanimity	
saamyena = generally	
saaN^khya = one of the schools(systems) of Indian philosophy	
saaN^khya\-yoga = the yoga of science	
saaN^khyaanaaM = of the empiric philosophers	
saaN^khyaiH = by means of Sankhya philosophy	
saaN^khyaM = analytical study	
saaN^khye = in the fight	
saaN^khyena = of philosophical discussion	
saantvayati = (10 up) to console	
saara = essence	
saaraH = (m) essence, summary	
saarikaa = a bird (nightingale / cuckoo ? )	
saarthakyaM = (n) fulfillment	
saarthavaaha = (m) a merchant	
saarvaayushha = of full life-span	
saarvabhauma = of the whole earth	
saaTopa = (adj) proud	
saattvika = to one in goodness	
saattvikaaH = in goodness	
saattvikaH = in the mode of goodness	
saattvikaM = in the mode of goodness	
saattvikii = in the mode of goodness	
saatvika = Pure Planets i.e. Waxing Moon, Jupiter and Mercury	
saatyakiH = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRishhNa)	
saavadhaana = attention	
saayaM = evening	
saayamadhiiyaano = evening studied man	
saayaMpraataH = both evening \& morning	
saayana = The Tropical Zodiac with precession	
sabaandhavaan.h = along with friends	
sabhaa = (f) assembly, meeting	
sabhaasada = literally one who sits in the assembly	
sachanta = to accompany, procure	
sachchhabdaH = the sound sat	
sachetaaH = in my consciousness	
sachiva = (m) minister	
sad.hbhave = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme	
sadaa = always	
sadaachaar = good conduct / behaviour	
sadaananda = ever joyous	
sadaashiva = a form of Shiva	
sadaiva = always	
sadasat.h = to cause and effect	
sadaya = compassionate	
sadbuddhiM = sat.h+buddhiM, good+awareness(loosely speaking:mind)	
sadgamaya = sat.h and gamaya: Truth and lead(causal of 'go')	
sadodita = always, constant	
sadoshhaM = with fault	
sadR^isha = (adj) similar, looking like	
sadR^ishaH = like	
sadR^ishaM = accordingly	
sadR^ishii = like that	
sadupayoga = correct or right use derived from sat.h + upayoga	
sadyah = immediately	
sadyaH = instantly	
sagadgadaM = with a faltering voice	
saH = He	
saha = With	
saha.nsha = Special positions or points signifying important events in life. They are somewhat similar to Arabic parts	
sahaasaM = with smile	
sahaaya = helper, friend, ally	
sahadevaH = Sahadeva	
sahaH = force, strangth (neut)	
sahaja-bhaava = House of Siblings or 3rd	
sahaja = the karma to which one is born	
sahajaM = born simultaneously	
sahanau = together us	
sahanavavatu = saha + nau + avatu: together + us + (You)protect	
sahasaa = (adv) hastily, perforce	
sahasra = one thousand	
sahasraakshaH = thousand-eyed	
sahasraantaaM = similarly, ending after one thousand	
sahasraara = the thousand-petalled lotus within the cerebral cavity	
sahasrabaaho = O thousand-handed one	
sahasrakR^itvaH = a thousand times	
sahasraM = 1000 times	
sahasrapaat.h = thousand-footed	
sahasrashaH = thousands	
sahasrashiirshhaa = thousand-headed	
sahasrasya = of many thousands	
sahasreNa = by thousand	
sahasreshhu = out of many thousands	
sahastraavartanaat.h = according to the prescribed shAstrA cycle	
sahate = (1 ap) to bear	
sahitaM = with	
sainikaH = (m) soldier	
sainyasya = of the soldiers	
saishhaa = saa+eshhA, that feminine form	
sajala = With water	
sajja = adorned, equipped	
sajjana = good man	
sajjante = they become engaged	
sajjate = becomes attached	
saJNchaya = collection	
saJNchayaan.h = accumulation	
saJNchhinna = cut	
saJNchikaa = (f) file	
saJNjaayate = develops	
saJNjanayan.h = increasing	
saJNjaya = O Sanjaya	
saJNjayati = binds	
saJNjiivanii = a life-restoring elixir or herb	
sakaaraNam.h = with reason	
sakaasha = company	
sakala = the entire	
sakalaani = all	
sakalaapadaam.h = all dangers'	
sakhaa = friend	
sakhaiva = like a friend	
sakhi = friend	
sakhiin.h = friends	
sakhyuH = with a friend	
sakR^idapi = once even	
sakR^it.h = (ind) once	
sakshii = witness	
sakta = attached	
saktaaH = being attached	
saktaH = attached/engrossed/absorbed	
saktah = capable of	
saktaM = attached	
sakthinii = pivotal region?	
salakshmaNaH = with LakshmaNa	
salila = water	
saM+tR^i = to cross	
sama = Equal	
sama.ntaat.h = from all around	
samaachara = do perfectly	
samaacharan.h = practicing	
samaachiina = appropriate, apt, proper	
samaadhaatuM = to fix	
samaadhaaya = fixing	
samaadhau = in the controlled mind	
samaadhii = state where the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation	
samaadhinaa = by complete absorption	
samaadhisthasya = of one situated in trance	
samaadhividhaana = in the state of trance	
samaagataaH = assembled	
samaaH = like	
samaahartuM = in destroying	
samaahita = (adj) content, satisfied	
samaahitaH = approached completely	
samaaja = Society	
samaajasevaa = social service benefiting society	
samaakula = (adj) confused, bewildered	
samaana = identical, likeness, comparable	
samaanaaH = ( are equal	
samaapnoshhi = You cover	
samaaptam.h = is complete or over	
samaarambhaaH = attempts	
samaaroha = programme	
samaasa = compound word	
samaasataH = in summary	
samaasena = in summary	
samaavishhTaH = absorbed	
samaavR^itaH = covered	
samaayuktaH = keeping in balance	
samabuddhayaH = equally disposed	
samabuddhiH = having equal intelligence	
samachittaH = equal-minded/equanimity	
samachittatvaM = equilibrium	
samada = furious	
samadarshanaH = seeing equally	
samadarshinaH = who see with equal vision	
samadhigachchhati = attains	
samagraan.h = all	
samagraM = in total	
samaH = equipoised	
samakonaasana = the sideways leg-splits posture	
samaM = in equanimity	
samantaat.h = everywhere	
samantataH = from all sides	
samanvitaH = qualified	
samara = war	
samarchaa = well worshipped	
samarthanam.h = (n) support	
samasta = all	
samastaaH = all; the entire	
samastaM = entire	
samasthitii = standing still	
samataa = equilibrium	
samatala = Level surface	
samatiitaani = completely past	
samatitya = transcending	
samatvaM = equanimity	
samau = in suspension	
samavartataagre = was there before	
samavasthitaM = equally situated	
samavetaaH = assembled	
samavetaan.h = assembled	
samavR^ittii = prANayAma with equally long inhalation, exhalation, suspension	
samaya = time, pact, agreement, bet	
sambandha = Full relationship between planets	
sambandhinaH = relatives	
sambhaashhaNa = conversation, talk, chat	
saMbhaavanaamaatreNa = by honouring (with gifts) alone	
sambhaavitasya = for a respectable man	
sambhava = birth	
sambhavaaH = produced of	
sambhavaami = I do incarnate	
sambhavaan.h = produced of	
sambhavaH = production	
sambhavaM = born of	
sambhavanti = they appear	
sambhavati = occur, arise	
sambhuutaM = arisen kim	
same = in equanimity	
sametaM = come together with	
saMgara = (m) a vow	
samiddhaH = blazing	
samiikaraH = (m) electric iron	
samiikaraNa = equation	
samiiksh.h = to examine	
samiikshya = after seeing	
samiipa-stha = (standing) nearby	
samiipe = (adv) near	
samiira = breeze	
samitii = (f) comittee	
samitiJNjayaH = always victorious in battle	
saMmaarjayati = to clean, to wash, to wipe	
sammarjanii = (f) broom	
saMmishraNaM = mixed	
sammohaat.h = from illusion	
sammohaH = perfect illusion	
sammohaM = into delusion	
sammuuDha = bewildered	
sammuuDhaaH = befooled by material identification	
sampaadaka = (m) editor	
saMpaadakaH = (m) editor	
sampaadakaH = (m) editor	
sampaadana = editting	
sampaadikaa = (f) editor	
sampadaM = assets	
sampadyate = he attains	
sampanna = endowed with	
sampanne = fully equipped	
samparka = contact	
saMpashyan.h = (pr.participle) looking at	
sampashyan.h = considering	
sampat.h = assets	
sampatti = prosperity	
samplutodake = in a great reservoir of water	
saMpraapnoti = attains	
saMpraapte = ( when you have) reached/obtained	
samprakiirtitaH = is declared	
samprapad.h = to become	
sampratishhThaa = the foundation	
sampravR^ittaani = although developed	
samprekshya = looking	
sampuurNa = full	
saMpuurNam.h = complete, finis, over	
samR^iddha = with full	
samR^iddhaM = flourishing	
samR^iddhavegaH = with full speed	
saMshodhanam.h = (n) research, discovery	
saMskaaraaH = (Masc.Nom.Pl.) prescribed ritual duties(16?)	
saMsthaa = (f) organisation, company	
samudbhavaan.h = produced of	
samudbhavaH = born of	
samudbhavaM = directly manifested	
samuddhartaa = the deliverer	
samudita = (adj) flourishing	
samudra-paryantaa = bounded by ocean	
samudra = sea	
samudraM = the ocean	
samudreshhuu = among the oceans	
samudyame = in the attempt	
samuha = (m) group	
samuhe = in group	
samunnati = prosperity	
samupaashritaH = having taken shelter of	
samupasthita = present	
samupasthitaM = present	
samupavR^it.h = Thus	
samutpanna = arisen	
samutthena = arisen from	
samuuha = (m) a multitude, crowd	
saMvaada = (m) conversation , dialouge	
samyaggraahayitvaa = well+captured	
samyak.h = proper	
saMyojayati = to thread (i.e. pass a thread through the eye of a needle)	
san.h = being so	
saN^ga = togetherness, closeness	
saN^gaat.h = from attachment	
saN^gaH = attachment	
saN^gaM = attachment	
saN^gaNaka = computer	
saN^garahitaM = without attachment	
saN^garataH = indulging in good company	
saN^gaviihinaH = bereft of company	
saN^gavivarjitaH = free from all association	
saN^ge = in the company	
saN^gena = by association	
saN^gha = group, organization, gathering	
saN^ghaaH = the assemblies	
saN^ghaataH = the aggregate	
saN^ghaiH = the groups	
saN^ghaTita = united	
saN^giita = music	
saN^giitakam.h = (n) a music concert	
saN^graama = battle ,battlefield	
saN^graha = collection	
saN^kalanam.h = (n) addition	
saN^kalpa = determination	
saN^kalpaH = (m) decision, resolution, plan	
saN^karaH = such unwanted children	
saN^karasya = of unwanted population	
saN^kaTaasana = the dangerous posture	
saN^keta = indication	
saN^ketaH = (m) address, information	
saN^khyaa = (f) number, count	
saN^khye = in the battlefield	
saN^kraanti = the festival of makara sankraant	
saN^kramaNa = concurrence, coming together	
saN^kuchit.h = (adj) limitted, narrow	
sanaatana = ancient	
sanaatanaaH = eternal	
sanaatanaH = eternally the same	
sanaatanaM = eternal atmosphere	
sandarbha = reference	
sandehaH = (m) doubt	
sandesha = message	
sandhi = The junctional point of two consecutive bhaavas	
sandhiikaala = twilight (both morning and evening time)	
sandR^ishyante = are seen	
sangama = to meet	
saNghaTana = organization, unity	
sangiita = (m) divine music, the space between the breaths	
sankalpamastu = saMkalpaM +  astu:resolution + let there be	
sannaddhaH = fully armed, prepared	
sannibhaani = as if	
sannihite = (in the) presence/nearness of	
sannivishhTaH = situated	
sanniyamya = controlling	
santaaH = are respected	
santaapa = harrasment	
santaH = the devotees	
santapta = burning	
santarishhyasi = you will cross completely	
santata = repeated	
santatagamana = unbroken togetherness	
santi = there are	
santosha = satisfaction	
santoshha = satisfaction	
santushhTa = satisfied	
santushhTaH = perfectly satiated	
sapatnaan.h = enemies	
saphala = fruitful	
sapta = (adj) seven	
saptaa.nsha = A varga. The harmonic Seventh Division. Used for delineations of Children and Grandchildren and one's creative projections	
saptavarga = Seven Vargas a sequence of varga or harmonic charts. Consists of Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, navaa.nsha, dvaadasha.nsha, tri.nshaa.nsha and Saptaa.nsha	
saraH = (neut) lake	
sarala = straight, candid	
sarani = (f) stream, path	
saras.h = lake	
sarasa = Excellent	
sarasaaM = of all reservoirs of water	
sarasaangayashhthii = she whose body is like a (lean)stick	
sarasvati = goddess of speech and learning	
sarati = (1 pp) to go	
sargaaNaaM = of all creations	
sargaH = birth and death	
sarge = while taking birth	
sarge.api = even in the creation	
saritaa = (f) river	
saroja = lotus ( one that is born in a lake)	
sarovaram.h = (n) lake	
sarpa = snake	
sarpaaNaaM = of serpents	
sarva = all	
sarvaaH = all	
sarvaan.h = all kinds of	
sarvaaN^ga = the whole body	
sarvaaN^gaasana = the shoulderstand posture	
sarvaaNi = all	
sarvaarambha = of all endeavors	
sarvaarambhaH = all ventures	
sarvaartha = for all worthy or meaningful or riches	
sarvaarthaan.h = all things	
sarvabhaavena = in all respects	
sarvabhR^it.h = the maintainer of everyone	
sarvabhuuta = to all living entities	
sarvabhuutaanaaM = of all living entities	
sarvabhuutaani = all created entities	
sarvabhuutaanii = all living entities	
sarvabhuutahite = for the welfare of all living entities	
sarvabhuutasthaM = situated in all beings	
sarvabhuutasthitaM = situated in everyone's heart	
sarvabhuuteshhu = among all living beings	
sarvadehinaaM = of all embodied beings	
sarvadhanushhmataam.h = of all shooters (bow, arrow carriers)	
sarvadharmaan.h = all varieties of religion	
sarvadvaaraaNi = all the doors of the body	
sarvadvaareshhu = in all the gates	
sarvagataH = all-pervading	
sarvagataM = all-pervading	
sarvaguhyatamaM = the most confidential of all	
sarvaGYaana = in all sorts of knowledge	
sarvaH = all	
sarvaharaH = all-devouring	
sarvaiH = all	
sarvajagat.h = the eentire world	
sarvakaaraH = (m) coalition	
sarvakarma = of all activities	
sarvakarmaaNi = all reactions to material activities	
sarvaloka = of all planets and the demigods thereof	
sarvaM = all	
sarvamatena = according to all schools of thought/unanimously	
sarvapaapaiH = from all sinful reactions	
sarvasaMpadaam.h = all wealth	
sarvasaN^kalpa = of all material desires	
sarvashaH = all	
sarvasminnapi = in all beings	
sarvasvaM = all of one's belongings, holding	
sarvasya = of everyone	
sarvataH = on/from all sides (indecl)	
sarvathaa = in all respects	
sarvato = from all (sides)	
sarvatra = everywhere	
sarvatragaH = blowing everywhere	
sarvatragaM = all-pervading	
sarvavid.h = one who knows everything	
sarvavit.h = the knower of everything	
sarvavR^ikshaaNaaM = of all trees	
sarvayonishhu = in all species of life	
sarve = all	
sarvebhyaH = of all	
sarvekshaNam.h = (n) survey, poll	
sarveshhaaM = all	
sarveshhu = in all the	
sasharaM = along with arrows	
sasya = grain	
SaT = (adj) six	
sat.h = a good man	
sat.h\-chit.h-aananda = bliss consciousness	
sataaM = of saintly people	
sataH = of the eternal	
satata = always	
satataM = always	
satatayuktaanaaM = always engaged	
sati = being	
satii = Sati	
satkaara = respect	
satkaarya = good or useful work particularly helpful to many	
satpurushha = good man	
satsaN^gatve = in good company	
sattva = inner strength	
sattvaanaaM = good beings'	
sattvaanuruupaa = according to the existence	
sattvaat.h = from the mode of goodness	
sattvaM = the strength	
sattvasa.nshuddhiH = purification of one's existence	
sattvasthaaH = those situated in the mode of goodness	
sattvavataM = of the strong	
sattve = the mode of goodness	
satya = Truth	
satyaM = Truth	
satyameva = Truth alone	
satyasa.ndhaM = the one bound by Truth	
satyasya = of truth	
sau.ndaryamaalikaa = Garland of beauty	
saubhaagyavatii = Mrs	
saubhadraH = the son of Subhadra	
sauchikaH = (m) tailor	
saudaaminii = (f) lightning	
sauHR^ida = friendship	
sauhR^ida = friendship	
saukshmyaat.h = due to being subtle	
saumadattiH = the son of Somadatta	
saumitrivatsalaH = he who is affectionate to LakshmaNa	
saumyaM = very beautiful	
saumyatvaM = being without duplicity towards others	
saumyavapuH = the beautiful form	
saurabha = fragrance	
sauravyuuhaH = (m) the solar system	
sauvarNa = golden	
savichaara = investigational meditation	
savikaaraM = with interactions	
savitarka = inspectional meditation	
savitR^i = a name of Sun	
savyasaachin.h = O Savyasaci	
sayanthini = (f) that belongs to the evening	
sechananaalaH = (m) a water-gun used during Holi, pichkaari	
senaaniinaaM = of all commanders	
senayoH = of the armies	
sendriyamaanasa = sa+indriya+mAnasa, wwith senses and mind	
setu = a bridge	
setu\-bandhaasana = the bridge posture	
setuba.ndhanaM = bridging	
setukR^itpaatu = may the builder of bridge (over the sea) protect	
sev.h = to serve	
sevaa = service	
sevaamahe = (verb.Pr.I Per.Pl.Atma.Pada)	
sevaka = (m) servant	
sevama = (n) apple	
sevate = (1 ap) to serve	
sevayaa = by the rendering of service	
sevitvaM = aspiring	
sha.nkaa = fear	
sha.nkara = Shankara	
sha.nsa = praise	
sha.nsasi = You are praising	
sha.Nsati = (1 pp) to praise	
shaa.ntamuurtim.h = the personification of peace or unruffled benign-looking	
shaa.ntiH = peace	
shaadhi = just instruct	
shaakha = branch	
shaakhaa = (fem) branch	
shaakhaaH = branches	
shaakhaM = branches	
shaakiNii = the goddess in vishuddha chakra	
shaambhavii = related to Shiva who is known as shambhu	
shaambhavii\-mudraa = gazing between ones eyes	
shaamyati = (4 pp) to stop	
shaanta = the sentiment of happiness, peace, pleasure	
shaantaH = peaceful	
shaantarajasaM = his passion pacified	
shaanti = calmness	
shaantiH = peace	
shaantiM = peace	
shaaradaa = Wife of Sri Ramakrishna (also Goddess Sarasvati)	
shaardulaH = (m) tiger	
shaariiraM = (n) body	
shaasakiiya = (adj) of the government	
shaasana = government, discipline	
shaashvataaH = eternal	
shaashvataH = permanent	
shaashvatasya = of the eternal	
shaashvate = of the Vedas	
shaashvatiiH = many	
shaastra = science	
shaastraaNi = sciences (scriptures)	
shaastraM = revealed scripture	
shaastravidhiM = the regulations of the scriptures	
shaaTikaa = (f) saree	
shabda = Word	
shabdaadin.h = sound vibration, etc	
shabdabrahma = ritualistic principles of scriptures	
shabdaH = combined sound	
shabdaM = sound	
shabdhaartha = word by word meaning	
shaD.hbala = Six Strengths. A method of determining planetary powers	
shaD.hvarga = The Six Harmonic Charts: Rashi, Hora, dreshhkaaNa, navaa.nsha, dvadasha.nsha and tri.nsha.nsha	
shafarii = a very small fish	
shaibyaH = Saibya	
shaila = shell	
shailaadhiraaja = the king of mountains(Himaalayaas)	
shailii = (f) style	
shaknavaama = I pl `imperative' paras. of shak, be able	
shaknomi = am I able	
shaknoshhi = you are able	
shaknoti = (5 pp) to be able	
shakrasya = (masc.poss.S)of  God Indra	
shakta = strong	
shaktaaH = capable	
shakti = strength	
shakti\-chaalinii = the nerve-power posture	
shaktichaalanii = one of the mudras, involves contracting the rectum	
shaktiH = power; might	
shaktitrayaH = three powers of `ichcha', `kriya' and `gyana'	
shakunta = crane	
shakya = possible	
shakyaH = practical	
shakyaM = is able	
shakyase = are able	
shakyattvaat.h = from capability	
shala = a building or a house, normally with a specific purpose	
shalaakaa = a small twig (in this case, like an eye-pencil)	
shalabha = a locust	
shalabhaasana = the locust posture	
shalabhaH = (m) grasshopper	
shalyaH = (m) porcupine	
shama = Tranqulity	
shamaH = cessation of all material activities	
shamaM = mental tranquillity	
shamanaM = subsiding	
shambhu = a name of Shiva	
shambuukaH = (m) snail	
shaN^kaa = doubt	
shaN^karaH = Lord Siva	
shaN^kha = conch shell	
shaN^khaaH = conchshells	
shaN^khaan.h = conchshells	
shaN^khaH = (m) a conch	
shaN^khaM = conchshell	
shaN^khau = conchshells	
shanaiH = slowly	
shani = Saturn	
shanivaara = Saturday	
shantiM = perfect peace	
shapati = (1 pp) to curse	
shara = Arrow	
sharad.h = autumn	
sharadaH = (autumnal seasons) years	
sharaNa = Refuge	
sharaNaarthii = Refugee	
sharaNaM = resort/surrender	
sharaNyau = the refuge , people who are worthy of giving asylum, protection to	
shariira = body (neut)	
shariiraaNi = bodies	
shariiraM = body	
shariiramaadyaM = body + the beginning	
shariirasthaH = dwelling in the body	
shariirasthaM = situated within the body	
shariire = in the body	
shariiriNaH = of the embodied soul	
sharkaraa = (f) sugar	
sharma = grace	
shasha = rabbit	
shashaaN^ka = moon	
shashaaN^kaH = the moon	
shashaH = (m) rabbit	
shashhTashhTaka = 6th and 8th from each other	
shashhTyaa.nsha = A varga. The 60th Harmonic Chart. Used in cases of delineation of twins	
shashi = moon	
shashii = the moon	
shashisuuryayoH = of the moon and the sun	
shashvachchhaantiM = lasting peace	
shastra = weapon	
shastraaNi = weapons	
shastrabhR^itaaM = of the carriers of weapons	
shastraM = weapon	
shastrapaaNayaH = those with weapons in hand	
shastrapuutaaH = having become holy by (strike of) weapon	
shastrasampaate = in releasing his arrows	
shata = Hundred	
shataabhishaka = Twenty-fourth nakshatra (also shatataarakaa)	
shataiH = by hundreds	
shatakoTi = 100 koti or 1000 millions	
shataM = a hundred	
shatapadii = (f) centipede	
shatashaH = hundreds	
shatataarakaa = Twenty-fourth nakshatra, hundred minor stars	
shatena = hundred	
shaTha = Rogue	
shaThaH = deceitful	
shatrau = in  (towards)the enemy	
shatru-bhaava = House of Enemies or 6th	
shatru = enemy	
shatruH = enemy	
shatruM = the enemy	
shatrun.h = enemies	
shatrutve = because of enmity	
shatruvat.h = as an enemy	
shaucha = mental and bodily cleanliness	
shauchaM = cleanliness	
shauryaM = heroism	
shava = cadaver	
shavaasana = the corpse posture	
shavapetikaa = (f) coffin	
shaya = Sleep	
shayana = a bed	
shayanaasana = the repose posture	
shayanaM = sleep	
shayanaprakoshhThaH = (m) bedroom	
shayyaa = (f) bed	
shekishpira = (m) a play with too many words	
sheNishheveta = does not marry	
shenota = (n) the great void	
sheshha = remaining	
shhaD.h = six	
shhad.h = to sit	
shhaN.h = six	
shhaNDa = (masc/neut) collection.	
shhaNmaasaaH = the six months	
shhaNmukha = with six mouths, a name of Kartikeya	
shhashhThaaNi = the six	
shhaT-pada = one with six legs (insect); here, a bumble bee	
shhoDasha = 16	
shhoDashaH = number sixteen	
shii = to sleep	
shiighraM = immediately	
shiigraM = hurry; quickness	
shiila = character	
shiilaM = chastity	
shiirsha = head	
shiirshha = head	
shiishkaaraH = (m) a whistle	
shiita = cold	
shiitaka = (m) refrigerator	
shiitala = cool	
shikharam.h = (n) summit, mountain top	
shikhi.n = peacock	
shikshaNaM = of teaching	
shikshate = (1 ap) to learn	
shila = rock	
shilaa = (fem) stone	
shilpam.h = (n) sculpture, carving	
shilpii = (m) sculptor	
shilpin.h = sculptor	
shiraH = head	
shiras.h = head	
shirasaa = with the head	
shirastraaNa = (m) helmet	
shiriishha = name of a flower	
shirovedanaa = (f) headache	
shirsaN^gushhThaasana = the deep lunge posture	
shirshha = the head	
shirshhaasana = the head-stand posture	
shishhTatva = wisdom	
shishhya = student	
shishhyaan.h = desciples	
shishhyaH = disciple	
shishhyaiH = disciples	
shishhyam.h = the disciple. the student	
shishhyeNa = disciple	
shishira = frosty season	
shiva = the destroyer	
shivasutaaya = to the son of `shiva'	
shlaaghate = (1 ap) to praise	
shlathayati = (v) to unweave	
shmashru = moustache, beard	
shobh.h = to shine, look good	
shobheta = shine	
shobhini = person glowing with	
shochaniiya = adj. lamentable	
shochati = (1 pp) to grieve	
shochituM = to lament	
shochya = (participle,fem.)fit to be worried about;worth-concern	
shodashaa.nsha = A Varga. The 16th Harmonic Chart. Used for deeper delineation of Fourth House matters	
shodhana = purification	
shoka = sorrow	
shokahataM = attacked(hata) by grief(shoka)	
shokaM = lamentation	
shoNita = red (adj); blood (neut)	
shoshhayati = dries	
shothaH = (m) swelling	
shouchagR^iham.h = (n) toilet	
shR^i.ngaara = the sentiment of love	
sHR^id.h = friend	
shR^igaalaH = fox	
shR^iN^gam.h = (n) horn	
shR^iN^khalaa = (f) a chain	
shR^iNoti = (5 pp) to listen	
shR^iNu = just hear	
shR^iNuyaama = May we  hear	
shR^iNuyaat.h = does hear	
shR^iNvan.h = hearing	
shR^iNvataH = hearing	
shraamyati = (4 pp) to be tired	
shraddadhaanaaH = with faith	
shraddhaa = faith	
shraddhaaM = faith	
shraddhaavaan.h = a faithful man	
shraddhaavantaH = with faith and devotion	
shraddhaH = faith	
shraddhayaa = with faith	
shraddhayaanvitaaH = with faith	
shraddhayaanvitaH = accompanied with faith	
shraDhaavaan.h = believer; man of faith	
shrama = (masc) excertion	
shravaH = having heard(old learned man?)	
shravana = hear, to hear	
shravaNa = Twenty-second nashaktra	
shravishhTaa = Twenty-third nakshatra also known as dhanishhThaa	
shrayati = (1 pp) to reach	
shreshhTha = best	
shreshhThaH = a respectable leader	
shreshhThau = the best (2 persons)	
shreyaan.h = far better	
shreyaH = good	
shrii = Added before a name to show respect	
shriibhagavaanuvaacha = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said	
shriibudhakaushika = sHrI budhakaushika (the author of this hymn)	
shriidaruupa = resembling lakshmii	
shriigaNeshaaya = to Lord Ganesh	
shriiH = wealth	
shriimaan.h = the man with `shrI' i.e. the endowed man	
shriimachchhankarabhagavat.h+charaNaiH = by the Shankaracharya who is known	
shriimad.h = respectful prefix	
shriimat.h = honourable prefix	
shriimataM = of the prosperous	
shriipati = Lakshmi's consort MahAvishhNu's	
shriiraama = Lord Rama	
shriiraamacha.ndracharaNau = the  two feet of rAmachandra	
shriiraamacha.ndram.h = rAma	
shriiraamacha.ndrapriityarthe = For pleasing the Lord sItArAma	
shriiraamaduutaM = the messenger of rAma	
shriiraamaM = shri rAma	
shriiraamarakshaa = the protection of Lord Rama	
shritaaH = taking shelter of	
shrivatsa = the curl on Vishnu's breast	
shrotaaram.h = one who hears	
shrotavyasya = toward all that is to be heard	
shrotraadiini = such as the hearing process	
shrotraM = ears	
shruNoti = (5 pp) to hear	
shruta = knowledge	
shrutaM = heard	
shrutasya = all that is already heard	
shrutau = have been heard	
shrutavaan.h = knowledgeable	
shrutena = (instr.S)thro' hearing, or thro' Veda	
shruti = ear or veda	
shrutii = that which hears i.e.ears	
shrutimat.h = having ears	
shrutiparaayaNaaH = inclined to the process of hearing	
shrutvaa = having heard	
shu.nThaH = roasted?	
shubha = good, auspicious	
shubhaan.h = the auspicious	
shubhadi = giver of auspicious	
shubhagraha = Benefic planet	
shubhaM = good , auspicious	
shubhasya = of good things	
shubhra = clean	
shubrataa = whiteness	
shuchaH = worry	
shuchau = in a sanctified	
shuchi = clean	
shuchiH = pure	
shuchiinaaM = of the pious	
shuddha = pure	
shuddhapaksha = Bright side of the lunar month, also shuklapaksha	
shuddhaye = for the purpose of purification	
shudra = the caste of servants and labourers	
shuka = parrot	
shukaH = (m) parrot	
shukaharitaH = dark green colour (literally, parrot green)	
shukla = light	
shuklaH = the white fortnight	
shukra = The planet Venus. The word means Semen or Sexual Secretions	
shukravaara = Friday	
shuktiH = oyster	
shunaka = (m) dog	
shuNDaa = (f) elephant's trunk	
shuNThii = (f) ginger	
shushhke = in the drying up of	
shushhyati = (4 pp) to dry	
shushruushaa = service	
shuudraaNaaM = of the shudras	
shuudraH = lower-class men	
shuudrasya = of the shudra	
shuula = triant , trishuula	
shuunya = zero	
shuunyaM = zero	
shuura = valiant	
shuuraaH = heroes	
shuuro = warrior or skilled one	
shuurpakarNakaM = having long ears	
shvaana = Dog	
shvaasa = Breath	
shvaasaprashvaasa = heaving and sighing	
shvaH = tomorrow	
shvan.h = (m) dog	
shvapaake = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)	
shvasan.h = breathing	
shvashura = father-in-law	
shvashuraan.h = fathers-in-law	
shvashuuraaH = fathers-in-law	
shvasiti = breathe	
shvastika = (f) a symbol of hatred	
shveta = (adj) white	
shvetaayasaH = (m) steel	
shvetaiH = with white	
shvetaketaH = Shvetaketu(maan with white flag?)	
shyaalaaH = brothers-in-law	
shyaamala = dark	
shyaamalaM = the dark-complexioned one	
shyati = to sharpen	
si.nha = lion	
si.nhaasana = the lion posture	
si.nhanaadaM = roaring sound, like that of a lion	
sid.hdhyasid.hdhyoH = in success and failure	
siddha = a prophet or adept, ever-ready, having psychic power	
siddhaa.nsha = A Varga. The 24th Harmonic Chart. Also known as Chaturvi.nsha.nsha. Used in delineating Spiritual Gifts	
siddhaanaaM = of those who have achieved perfection	
siddhaanta = thesis	
siddhaasana = the adept's posture	
siddhaH = perfect	
siddhasaN^ghaaH = perfect beings	
siddhau = in success	
siddhayaH = great achievements including mystic powers	
siddhaye = for perfection	
siddhi = success, achievement	
siddhiH = success	
siddhii = a psychic (or occult) power	
siddhiM = powers	
sidh.h = to be accomplished	
sidhama.ntro = having got the effect of the mantra	
sidhda = accomplished	
sidhdaa.rth = (m) pr.n	
sidhya.nti = (Vr.Pr.III	
sidhyati = (4 pp) to reach	
siidanti = are quivering	
siidati = (1 pp) to sit	
siikataa = (f) sand	
siimaa = limit, boundary	
siitaa = the wife of Rama	
siitaapatiH = the husband or lord of sItA	
siitaapatiM = siotA's husband	
siitaayaaH = sItA's	
siitha = one that belongs to earth	
siivyati = to sew	
siJNchati = (6 pp) to sprinkle	
sikataa = salt	
sikta = sprayed	
sikthaM = (n) wax	
sikthavartikaa = (f) candle	
siMhaasanam.h = (n) throne	
siMhaH = (m) lion	
sindhuH = ocean	
sita = Blank	
ska.ndhau = shoulders	
skanda = a name of Kartikeya, god of war	
skandaH = Kartikeya	
skandhaH = (m) shoulder	
skhalanashiila = adj. liable to lapse	
sma = an indeclinable that changes the sentence to past tense from present tense	
smaashana = graveyard	
smaraami = remember	
smaran.h = thinking of	
smarati = (1 pp) to remember, recollect	
smaret.h = remembers, recalls	
smayate = (1 ap) to smile	
smR^ita = remembered	
smR^itaa = when remembered	
smR^itaH = is considered	
smR^itaM = is considered	
smR^iti = of memory	
smR^itibhra.nshaat.h = after bewilderment of memory	
smR^itiH = memory	
smR^itii = memory	
snaana-shiila = (metaphorically) pure	
snaana = bath, ablution	
snaanagR^iham.h = (n) bathroom	
snaatakottara = post graduate	
snaati = to bathe	
snaayu = sinew	
snaayuvitananaM = sprain	
sneha = love	
snehaH = friendship (oil)	
snigdha = affectionate; also oily,greasy	
snigdhaaH = fatty	
snushhaa = (f) daughter-in-law	
soDhuM = to tolerate	
soma = The Moon	
somaH = the moon	
somapaaH = drinkers of soma juice	
somavaara = Monday	
sopaanam.h = (n) staircase, steps	
spandate = (1 ap) to throb	
sparshaan.h = sense objects, such as sound	
sparshanaM = touch	
spashhTa = Longitude of planet or house (bhaava)	
sphiita = (adj) prosperous	
sphurati = (6 pp) to throb	
sphurita = shining	
sphuTatara = (adj) crystal clear	
spR^ihaa = aspiration	
spR^ish = to touch	
spR^ishan.h = touching	
spR^ishati = (6 pp) to touch	
sprihaNiyaruupaM = desirable form (personal appearance)	
sR^ijaami = manifest	
sR^ijati = (6 pp) to create	
sR^ishhTiH = creation	
sR^ishhTii = World	
sR^ishhTvaa = creating	
sR^itii = different paths	
sringara = amourous	
srotasaaM = of flowing rivers	
stabdhaH = impudent	
stabh = (root) to make immobile, to stun	
staH = is	
stambhaH = (m) pillar	
stambhana = Stationary planet	
stanabhara = breasts that are(full-with milk)	
staram.h = (n) level	
stenaH = thief	
steya = robbery	
sthaa = to stand	
sthaa(tishhThati) = to stand	
sthaalikaa = (f) plate, dish	
sthaana = place, house, position	
sthaanabhrashTa = adj. skidrow bum	
sthaanaka = (m) station, base	
sthaanaM = place	
sthaane = rightly	
sthaani = situated	
sthaaNuH = unchangeable	
sthaapaya = please keep	
sthaapayati = to put, to keep	
sthaapayitvaa = placing	
sthaasyati = remains	
sthaavara = not moving	
sthaavaraaNaaM = of immovable things	
sthagayati = to stop someone	
sthaH = situated	
sthairyaM = steadfastness	
sthalaa = (f) tiles (on the floor)	
sthira-raashi = Fixed Signs	
sthira = fixed	
sthiraaH = enduring	
sthiraaM = stable	
sthirabuddhiH = self-intelligent	
sthiraH = still	
sthiraiH = with firm or strong (limbs)	
sthiraM = firm	
sthirataa = steadiness	
sthitaaH = are situated	
sthitaan.h = standing	
sthitadhiiH = one fixed in KRishhNa consciousness	
sthitaH = situated	
sthitaM = situated	
sthitapraGYaH = transcendentally situated	
sthitapraGYasya = of one who is situated in fixed KRishhNa consciousness	
sthitau = situated	
sthiti = position	
sthitiH = situation	
sthitii = existing	
sthitiM = situation	
sthitvaa = being situated	
sthuula = (adj) strong, big	
sthuulaH = (adj) fat	
sthuulashariira = (bahuvriihi) big-bodied	
stoka = (adj) little bit, small amount	
stotra = hymn	
stotraM = hymn	
stotre = in composing a hymn	
stra.nsate = is slipping	
stravati = (1 pp) to flow	
strii = (f) woman	
striikaaraka = Significator of wife or partner Venus	
striishhu = by the womanhood	
striyaH = women	
striyashcharitraM = the characater of  a woman	
stuta = praised	
stuti = praise	
stutibhiH = with prayers	
stutiH = praise	
stuva.nti = praise, flatter	
stuvanti = are singing hymns	
styana = sloth	
su-vR^it-tattva = the principle of goodness	
su = good, used as a prefix	
su.ndaram.h = the handsome one	
sudati = woman	
sudhaa = Nectar	
sudhaakar = Moon	
sudhaakhaNDaH = (m) chalk	
sudhaaM = (fem.Acc. Sing.)nectar	
suduraachaaraH = one committing the most abominable actions	
sudurdarshaM = very difficult to see	
sudurlabhaH = very rare to see	
sudushhkaraM = difficult	
sugandhiM = one that has a nice fragrance	
sughoshhamaNipushhpakau = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka	
sugriiveshaH = master-sugrIva, the monkey king (literally meaning the one	
suGYaanaaya = (instr.S) thro'good knowledge	
suhR^id.h = (bahuvriihi) friend	
suHR^id.h = affectionate	
suhR^idaH = well-wishers	
suhR^idaM = the benefactor	
suhR^it.h = to well-wishers by nature	
sujana = good man	
sukanya = good virgin	
sukara = easy	
sukha = happiness	
sukhaani = happiness thereof	
sukhaarthinaH = (of) a man seeking happiness	
sukhaasana = the easy posture	
sukhaasanam.h = (n) a reclining chair, rocking chair	
sukhada = the one giving comfort	
sukhaduHkha = happiness and distress	
sukhaH = and happiness	
sukhaleshaH = (even a little) happiness	
sukhaM = easily	
sukhamedhate = happiness, obtains	
sukhasampadaam.h = of the happiness and wealth	
sukhasya = of happiness	
sukhataH = for happiness	
sukhe = in happiness	
sukhena = in transcendental happiness	
sukheshhu = in happiness	
sukhii = happy	
sukhinaH = happy	
sukR^itadushhkR^ite = good and bad results	
sukR^itaM = pious activities	
sukR^itasya = pious	
sukR^itii = the man with good deeds	
sukR^itiM = good deed	
sukR^itinaaM = of the good-doer	
sukR^itinaH = those who are pious	
sukumaarau = (two) handsome young lads	
sulabha = Easy	
sulabhaH = very easy to achieve	
sumanasya = benevolence	
sumitraa = dasharath's wife, laxman's mother	
sundara = beautiful	
sundariiM = (sundari in objective case)	
sunishchitaM = definitely	
suniyamanaya = with good niyama or GYaana, also with na, ya, ma, na, ya gaNaas	
supra = white	
supta = asleep	
supta\-baddha\-padmaasana = the supine bound lotus posture	
supta\-jaanu\-shirshhaasana = the supine head-knee posture	
supta\-paadaaN^gushhThaasana = the supine big toe posture	
supta\-paschimottanaasana = the supine back-stretching posture	
supta\-vajraasana = the supine thunderbolt posture	
suputra = good son	
supuujitam.h = well worshipped	
sura = god	
suraaNaaM = of the demigods	
suraapaana = drinking, alcoholism	
suragaNaaH = the demigods	
suraguroH = of Brihaspati (the teacher of Gods)	
suraN^gikaa = (f) a small tunnel	
surasaN^ghaaH = groups of demigods	
surendra = king of gods	
surkiMsijan.h = (m) what happens to some babies' weewees	
surya = A name for the Sun	
suryodaya = sun-rise	
sushhuptiH = deep sleeping	
sushhuptii\-avasthaa = the state of the mind in dreamless sleep	
sushiila = of good character	
sushiilatva = good character	
sushumnaa = the spinal cord	
susmita = endowed with good smiles	
susukhaM = very happy	
suta = son	
sutaa = daughter	
suu = to produce	
suuchanaa = suggestion	
suuchi = (fem) needle, pointer	
suuchii = (f) (sewing) needle	
suuchikaa = (f) safety pin	
suukshma = minute, extremely small, keen	
suukshmadarshakam.h = (n) microscope	
suukshmashariira = the astral body	
suukshmatvaat.h = on account of being subtle	
suukta = good words	
suurya = sun	
suurya\-namaskaara = the homage to the sun posture	
suuryaastaH = (m) sunset	
suuryagR^ihe = in the home of sun(during the solar eclipse)	
suuryaH = the sun	
suuryakaanta = Effulgent like Sun	
suuryanaaraayaNa = used for addressing Sun	
suuryashcha = sun + and	
suuryavarchasvii = with the prowess and brilliance of sun	
suuryodayaH = (m) sunrise	
suuta = the chariot driver	
suutaputraH = Karna	
suutra = a thread	
suutrachakram.h = (n) spinning wheel, charkha	
suutre = on a thread	
suutrikaa = (f) noodles	
suuyate = manifests	
suvarNakaaraH = (m) goldsmith	
suvipulaM = great , in bulk	
suviruuDha = strongly	
suvyavasthitaa = well organised	
sva = Self	
svaada = (m) taste	
svaadate = (1 ap) to taste	
svaadhiina = dependent on the self	
svaadhyaaya = self-study	
svaadhyaayaanmaa = sva + adhyAyAt.h + mA:fromone's learning + don't	
svaadhyaayaH = study of Vedic literature	
svaadishhTaH = (m) delicious, tasty	
svaadu = sweet	
svaagatakaxaH = (m) drawing room	
svaaM = of Myself	
svaami = master	
svaamii = the master	
svaapa = (m) sleep	
svaaraajya = `self-rule', i.e., not being subordinate someone else	
svaartha = one's own ends	
svaarthii = adj. self-centered	
svaati = The fifteenth nakshatra. Can be spelt Svati	
svaayatta = dependent only one onself	
svabhaava = nature, personal mental attributes	
svabhaavaH = characteristics	
svabhaavajaa = according to his mode of material nature	
svabhaavajaM = born of his own nature	
svabhaavajena = born of your own nature	
svabhaavaniyataM = prescribed according to one's nature	
svachakshushhaa = your own eyes	
svachchha = pure	
svachchha.ndii = adj. self-absorbed	
svadesha = one's own country	
svadhaa = oblation	
svadharmaH = one's prescribed duties	
svadharmaM = your religious duty	
svadharme = in one's prescribed duties	
svaH = the nether world(?)	
svahastaH = Signature	
svajanaM = kinsmen	
svakaM = His own	
svakarma = in his own duty	
svakarmaNaa = by his own duties	
svakshetra = Planet in its own sign	
svaliilayaa = sva+lIlaya, through one's play-like action	
svalpa = little	
svalpaM = a little	
svaM = own	
svamatipariNaamaavadhi = according to one's intellectual capacity	
svana = sound	
svanushhThitaat.h = perfectly done	
svapan.h = dreaming	
svapati = (2pp) to sleep	
svapna = dream	
svapnaavabodhasya = sleep and wakefulness	
svapnaavasthaa = the state of the mind in a dream	
svapnaH = dreaming	
svapnaM = dreaming	
svapnashiilasya = of one who sleeps	
svapne = in dream	
svara = sound	
svarga = heaven	
svargaat.h = (Masc.abl.S)heaven	
svargalokaM = heaven	
svargaM = to heaven	
svargaparaaH = aiming to achieve heavenly planets	
svargatiM = passage to heaven	
svarge = in heaven	
svaruupa = one's true nature	
svaruupaM = form	
svasa.nvedana = the understanding of oneself	
svasaH = (f) sister	
svasthaH = being situated in himself	
svasthaiH = by healthy persons (ie , healthy in minds , their minds being well	
svasti = all peace	
svastikaasana = the prosperous posture	
svastinastaarkshyo = let tArkshya or Garuda do good to us	
svastirno = good to us	
svasyaH = by his own	
svata.ntra = Free	
svatejasaa = by Your radiance	
svayaa = by their own	
svayaM = herself	
svayaMprakaashita = self-illumined like stars(Sun)	
svena = by your own	
sviikaroti = to accept	
svraa.njalii = Musical notes	
svyaM = of one's own	
syaaM = would be	
syaama = will we become	
syaat.h = may be	
syandane = chariot	
syandin.h = oozing	
syuH = form from ``as.h'' meaning ``those who may be''	
syutam.h = (n) a bag
taaDa = a mountain	
taaDayati = (10 up) to beat, slap	
taadita = beaten	
taalaH = (m) lock	
taalikaa = clap	
taaM = to that	
taamasa = to one in the mode of darkness	
taamasaaH = in the mode of ignorance	
taamasaH = in the mode of ignorance	
taamasaM = in the mode of ignorance	
taamasii = in the mode of ignorance	
taamasika = Planets that are slothful - Waning Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury	
taan.h = them	
taaNa = to stretch	
taaNDula = (rice) grains	
taani = his	
taantrik.h = pertaining to Tantra	
taapa = trouble	
taapasa = austerity, purification	
taapasau = (2)penance-doers	
taaraka = star, eye	
taareNa = thro' the star	
taariNi = the one who crosses	
taasaaM = of all of them	
taat.h = that location i, e.protect me from behind	
taata = My friend	
taataH = father	
taavaan.h = similarly	
taavannija = tAvat.h+nija, till then+one's	
taavat.h = by that time(when it was over)	
tad-anu = after that	
tad.h = he/she/it	
taD.h = to hit	
tad.hdhaama = that abode	
tadaa = then	
taDaagaH = lake, pond	
tadaatmaanaH = those whose minds are always in the Supreme	
tadana.ntaraM = later to that	
tadanantaraM = thereafter	
tadapi = tat.h+api, then even	
tadiha = tat.h+iha, that+here	
tadvat.h = like that	
tadviddhi = you must know it	
taiH = by them	
taila = oil	
tailapaH = (m) cockroach	
taistaiH = various	
tajaka = A system of Solar Return Charts also known as Varshaphal	
takraM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S)curd or buttermilk	
takshakaH = (m) carpenter	
takshati = to sculpt, to carve	
tala = Bottom	
talpaH = (m) mattress	
taM = him	
tam.h = him	
tama = Anger	
tamaH = (m) darkness, ignorance	
tamanena = that+thro' this	
tamas.h = darkness	
tamasa = darkness, inertia, ignorance	
tamasaH = to darkness	
tamasi = the mode of ignorance	
tamodvaaraiH = from the gates of ignorance	
tana = Body	
tanaya = (m) son	
tanayaa = daughter	
taNDava = violent dance of Shiva	
tanmaatraa = the five potentials or senses	
tanmemanaH = tat.h +  me +  manaH: that +  my + mind	
tanmukhyaM = tat.h + mukhyaM:that + important	
tannishhThaaH = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme	
tanno = he to us	
tantra = treatises on ritual, meditation, discipline, etc	
tantu = thread / stalk	
tantuvaayaH = (m) spinner (one who spins cloth, not the bowler :)	
tanu-bhaava = First house or house of body	
tanu = body	
tanuM = form of a demigod	
tanuubhiH = through the bodies (sharIra)	
tanuuja = son	
tanuuM = body	
tanvi = woman	
tapa = to burn, shine, suffer	
tapaami = give heat	
tapaH = penance	
tapaHsu = in undergoing different types of austerities	
tapantaM = heating	
tapas.h = sustained effort	
tapasaa = by the penance	
tapasaaM = and penances and austerities	
tapasi = in penance	
tapasvibhyaH = than the ascetics	
tapasvishhu = in those who practice penance	
tapasyaa = (f) penance, meditation	
tapasyasi = austerities you perform	
tapati = (1 pp) to heat up	
tapobhiH = by serious penances	
tapoyaGYaaH = sacrifice in austerities	
tapta = troubled, frustrated	
taptaM = executed	
tapyante = undergo	
tara = crossing over	
tara.ntu = (Vr.Imp.IIIP.Pl.PP) let them cross	
taraka = a demon slain by Kartikeya	
taran.h = swimming or crossing	
taraN^ga = (m) wave	
taraN^gaH = (m) wave	
taraNe = in crossing	
tarangeshhu = among the waves	
taranti = overcome	
tarati = (1 pp) to cross	
tarishhyasi = you will overcome	
tarjanaM = the fear	
tarjanii = Finger	
tarkeNa = (masc.instr.Sing.)logic	
taru = Tree	
taruNaH = young man	
taruNau = (two)youngsters	
taruNii = young woman	
tarutalavaasaM = living under the trees	
taruu = Tree	
tasmaat.h = hence	
tasmai = (masc.dat.S)to him	
tasmin.h = in that	
tasminkaaye = tasmin.h+kaye, in that body	
tasthau = stood	
tasya = its	
tasyaaM = in that	
tasyaisha = tasya + esha(H):His + this	
tasyasu..ndaraM = beautiful to him	
tat.h = that	
tataH = Then	
tataM = pervaded	
tatastataH = from there	
taTasthaH = (m) neutral, disinterested, not taking any side	
tatbuddhayaH = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme	
tathaa = and , also , like that	
tathaapi = yet , even then	
tathaiva = similarly	
tato = then , afterwards	
tatohaMsaH = tataH: then or from there + haMsaH:swan or Brahman	
tatparaayaNaH = who have completely taken shelter of Him	
tatparaH = very much attached to it	
tatparaM = afterwards	
tatprasaadaat.h = by His grace	
tatra = there	
tatsamakshaM = among companions	
tatsiddhiH = that materialisation	
tattva = an element, the twenty-four categories of thatness	
tattvaGYaana = of knowledge of the truth	
tattvaM = truth/nature	
tattvataH = in reality	
tattvavit.h = the knower of the Absolute Truth	
tattve = truth	
tattvena = in reality	
tatvidaH = by those who know this	
tau = they	
tausthau = stood (motionless) (past perfect tense of sthaa tishhTha to stand)	
tava = Yours	
tavaM = you	
tayaa = by her	
tayoH = of them	
te = they	
te.api = even they	
tejaH = prowess	
tejas.h = brilliance	
tejasa = radiant energy, majesty	
tejasvin.h = one who has tej (brilliance)	
tejasvinaaM = of the powerful	
tejasvinaavadhiitamastu = with glory \& strength, our study, be	
tejobhiH = by effulgence	
tejomayaM = full of effulgence	
tejoraashiM = effulgence	
tena = by that; with that	
tenaiva = in that	
teshaaM = their	
teshhaaM = their	
teshhu = on them	
tiikshNa = pungent	
tiira = (neut) edge, bank	
tikta = (adj) bitter	
tila = sesame seeds	
tilakam.h = (n) bindi (the "dot on the forehead")	
timira = darkness	
tintriNii = (f) tamarind	
tishhThani = stand (from sthaa)	
tishhThantaM = residing	
tishhThanti = dwell	
tishhThasi = remain	
tishhThati = (1 pp) to stand	
titikshasva = just try to tolerate	
tittibha = a firefly	
tittibhaasana = the firefly posture	
tola = a balance	
tolaaN^gulaasana = the balance posture	
tolaasana = the scales posture	
tolayati = (10 up) to weigh	
toyadaH = (m) cloud	
toyaM = water	
tR^iNa = grass	
tR^iNaa = grass	
tR^ipta = satisfied	
tR^iptaH = being satisfied	
tR^iptiH = satisfaction	
tR^ishhNaa = desire	
tR^ishhNaaM = thirst/desire	
traa = to save	
traahi = (Vr.Imp.II P.S PP)Protect	
traaNa = protection	
traaTaka = an exercise to clear the vision	
traatuM = for protecting	
traayate = releases	
traayetaaM = (may the two) protect, save (us).(for one persons the verb is	
traiguNya = pertaining to the three modes of material nature	
trailokya = of the three worlds	
traividyaH = the knowers of the three Vedas	
trayaaNaaM = three	
trayaH = (adj) three	
trayaM = three	
traye = in the three	
trayii = triplet	
trayovi.nshati = number 23	
tri = three	
tribhiH = three	
tribhujam.h = (n) triangle	
tridhaa = of three kinds	
triguNa = three qualities (i.e. satva, rajas and tamas)	
trigunadoshaiH = having all three qualities as well as faults	
triin.h = three	
triiNi = three	
trijagati = in the three worlds	
trikoNa = a triangle	
trikona = Trinal houses or 1,5,9	
trikoNaasana = the triangle posture	
trikoNamiti = trigonometry	
trimsat.h = (adj) thirty	
trishhu = in the three	
trividhaa = of three kinds	
trividhaH = of three kinds	
trividhaM = of three kinds	
trivikrama = fifth incarnation of Vishnu commonly known as vaamana	
truTayaH = shortcomings, mistakes	
truTi = shortcomings, mistakes	
tu = but	
tuchchha = adj. trifling	
tulaa = (f) balance, weighing scales	
tulanaa = comparison	
tulya = comparable	
tulyaH = equal	
tulyaM = equivalent, comparable	
tumulaH = uproarious	
tuNDaM = jaws/mouth?	
tush.h = to be satisfied	
tushhaara = (m) ice/snow	
tushhNiM = silent	
tushhTaH = satisfied	
tushhTiH = satisfaction	
tushhTishchaastu = tushhTiH + cha + astu:happiness + and + let there be	
tushhTuvaa.nsaH = May we satisfy or  make  them happy?	
tushhyanti = become pleased	
tushhyati = (4 pp) to be pleased	
tuula = air	
tuulaa = Zodiacal Sign of Libra	
tuuNa = quiver(arrow receptacle)	
tvaa = unto you	
tvaaM = to you	
tvadanyena = besides you	
tvahaM = tu + aham: emphasis + I	
tvai = with regard to thee	
tvak.h = skin	
tvaM = you	
tvameva = you only	
tvaraa = hurry	
tvaramaaNaaH = rushing	
tvarate = (1 ap) to hurry, to hasten	
tvarita = quick, without delay	
tvat.h = than you	
tvatprasaadaat.h = by Your mercy	
tvatsamaH = equal to You	
tvattaH = from You	
tvatto = from you	
tvayaa = by you	
tvayi = in yourself	
tyaaga = sacrificing/abandonment	
tyaagaat.h = by such renunciation	
tyaagaH = renunciation	
tyaagaM = renunciation	
tyaagasya = of renunciation	
tyaage = in the matter of renunciation	
tyaagii = the renouncer	
tyaajyaM = to be given up	
tyaj.h = to leave	
tyajan.h = quitting	
tyajati = (1 pp) to abandon, to relinquish	
tyajet.h = one must give up	
tyak.h = to sacrifice	
tyakta = giving up	
tyaktajiivitaaH = prepared to risk life	
tyaktuM = to be renounced	
tyaktvaa = having abandoned/sacrificed	
tyaktvaa.atmaanaM = having abandoned see as one's own self
ubhau = both	
ubhaya = both	
ubhayatra = at both places	
ubhayoH = both	
ubhe = both	
uchchaara = pronunciation	
uchchaarya = having uttered or pronounced	
uchchaiH = up	
uchchaiHshravasaM = Uccaihsrava	
uchchha = Exalted Planet	
uchchhabda = loud sound (masc)	
uchchhishhTaM = remnants of food eaten by others	
uchchhoshhaNaM = drying up	
uchchhritaM = high	
uchyate = is said	
ud.hghaaTayati = to open	
udaaharaNa = example	
udaaharaNaaya = for example	
udaahR^itaH = is said	
udaahR^itaM = exemplified	
udaahR^itya = indicating	
udaana = the vital air controlling the intake of food and air	
udaara = generous	
udaaraaH = magnanimous	
udaasiina = neutrals between belligerents	
udaasiinaH = free from care	
udaasiinavat.h = as neutral	
udadhi = sea	
udaka = (n) water	
udapaane = in a well of water	
udara = bellies	
udaram.h = (n) stomach	
udaranimittaM = for the sake of the belly/living	
udaya = rise	
udayat.h = rising	
udbhavaH = generation	
udbhavaM = produced	
uDDaayayati = to fly	
uddeshaH = (m) aim, goal	
uddeshataH = as examples	
uddhaaraNa = lifting up	
uddhara = uplift	
uddharati = to draw up (water from a well)	
uddharet.h = one must deliver	
uddhR^itaM = that which had been lifted	
uddhvahantii = she who is bearing or carrying the load	
uddishya = desiring	
uDDiyaana = a fetter or binding involving the raising of the diaphragm	
udgaara = expression	
udgachchhati = to overflow	
udiichii = (f) north	
uduudashaa = Vinshottari Dasha	
udvaaha = (m) marriage	
udvarta = plentiful	
udvegaiH = and anxiety	
udvijate = are agitated	
udvijet.h = become agitated	
udyaana = garden	
udyaanam.h = (n) garden	
udyaanapaalakaH = (m) gardener, mali	
udyama = industriousness	
udyamena = (msc.instr.S) effort; exercise	
udyamya = taking up	
udyata = uplifted	
udyataaH = trying	
udyogin.h = industrious	
ugra = powerful, noble	
ugraasana = the posterior stretch posture	
ugraH = terrible	
ugraiH = by terrible	
ugrakarmaaNaH = engaged in painful activities	
ugraM = terrible	
ugraruupaH = fierce form	
ujjvala = radiant	
uktaaH = are said	
uktaH = addressed	
uktaM = said	
uktvaa = saying	
ulbena = by the womb	
ullaH = to shine	
ullasitaM = shining	
ullola = a large wave	
uluukaH = (m) owl	
umaa = pArvatI	
unmanii = samadhi	
unmiilita = opened	
unmishhan.h = opening	
unmuulayati = to pull out, uproot	
unnatiiH = (m) progress, developments	
unnayati = to lift	
upa = near	
upa+shaM = to extinguish	
upaahaaragR^iham.h = (n) restaurant	
upaarjana = earning/acquiring	
upaasate = worship	
upaashri = to take shelter in	
upaashritaaH = being fully situated	
upaashritya = taking shelter of	
upaatta = obtained	
upaaya = (masc) means	
upaayataH = by appropriate means	
upachaya = Houses of earning (3,6,10,11)	
upadekshyanti = they will initiate	
upadesha = advice	
upadeshaH = advice	
upadeshayati = giving advice	
upadhaanam.h = (n) pillow	
upadhaaraya = know	
upadrashhTaa = overseer	
upagrahaH = (m) satellite, spacecraft	
upahanyaaM = would destroy	
upahata = overpowered	
upai = to go to	
upaishhyasi = you will attain	
upaiti = gets	
upajaayante = are born	
upajaayate = takes place	
upajuhvati = offer	
upakaara = benefit	
upakaaraka = beneficial	
upakaraNa = means	
upakR^i = to do a favor	
upakramaH = (m) project, undertaking	
upalabh.h = to obtain	
upalabhyate = can be perceived	
upalipyate = mixes	
upamaa = comparative	
upamaM = compared to	
upanagaram.h = (n) suburb	
upanetram.h = (n) spectacles, glasses	
upanishhad.h = the philosophical parts of the Vedas.	
upanishhat.h = says the `upanishat.h'	
upapada = The sign which is as apart from the 12th lord as the latter is from the 12th house	
upapadyate = is befitting	
upapannaM = arrived at	
upapattishhu = having obtained	
uparamate = cease (because one feels transcendental happiness)	
uparamet.h = one should hold back	
uparanjitaiH = splendid, resplendant	
uparataM = ceased	
upari = (adv) above	
upasaN^gamya = approaching	
upasarga = Prefix	
upasevate = enjoys	
upasR^i = (root) go near	
upasthaa = to stand near, to stand by	
upasthe = on the seat	
upavastu = (n) by-product	
upavishat.h = sat down again	
upavishati = to sit	
upavishhTha = seated	
upavishya = sitting	
upayaanti = come	
upayoga = use	
upayogitaa = Utility	
upayuj.h = use	
upekshaa = disregard	
upetaH = haaving reached or attained	
upetya = achieving	
uragaan.h = serpents	
urasthala = place on the chest	
urjitaM = glorious	
uru = thighs	
uruka = (n) pant	
urvaarukaM = (Masc.Acc.S)water melon ; melon	
usaH = (f) dawn	
ushanaa = Usana	
ushhitvaa = after dwelling	
ushhmapaaH = the forefathers	
ushhNa = summer	
ushhNamaapakam.h = (n) thermometer	
ushhNarakshakam.h = (n) thermos flask	
ushhNiishham.h = (n) turban	
ushhTra = a camel	
ushhTraasana = the camel posture	
ushhTraH = (m) camel	
ushhTrapakshii = (m) ostrich	
uta = it is said	
utkarshhaH = (m) prosperity, growth	
utkaTa = fierce	
utkaTaasana = the the hunkering posture	
utkR^ishhTa = excellent	
utkR^ityamaana = one who is cut up	
utkraamantaM = quitting the body	
utkraamati = gives up	
utpaadanam.h = (n) production, creation	
utpaataya = (causative of ut+pat) produce	
utpaaTin.h = (masc) puller-up	
utpad.h = to obtain	
utpatti = production	
utpiiThikaa = (f) table	
utplavate = to jump	
utsaadanaarthaM = for the sake of causing annihilation	
utsaadyante = are devastated	
utsaaha = enthusiasm	
utsanna = spoiled	
utsava = festival	
utsiideyuH = would be put into ruin	
utsR^ija = give up	
utsR^ijaami = send forth	
utsR^ijya = giving up	
uttaana = an intense stretch	
uttama = exceptional	
uttamaaN^gaiH = heads	
uttamaH = the best	
uttamaM = transcendental	
uttamaujaaH = Uttamauja	
uttamavidaaM = of the great sages	
uttaN^gataa = greatness	
uttaraabhaadrapada = Twenty-sixth nakshatra	
uttaraaphaalguni = Twelfth nakshatra	
uttaraashhaDhaa = Twenty-first nakshatra	
uttaraayaNaM = when the sun passes on the northern side	
uttaraM = covering	
uttararuupaM = having it in the northern direction	
utthaM = produced of	
utthita = stretched	
utthitaa = present	
uttishhTha = get up	
uttishhThata = (Verb Imp.II up; stand up; rise; arise	
uttuN^ga = tall	
uuchchhabala = Exaltation strength part of Shad Bala	
uurdhva = raised	
uurdhva\-hastattanaasana = the up-stretched arms posture	
uurdhva\-mukha = face upwards	
uurdhva\-prasaarita-ekapaadaasana = balancing forward posture	
uurdhva\-retaH = a celibate intending to control(upward) the semen
uurdhvaat.h = from above	
uurdhvaM = upwards	
uurdhvamuulaM = with roots above	
uurmi = wave	
uurNaa = (f) wool	
uurNanaabhaH = (m) spider	
uuruu = thighs	
uuruuH = (m) thigh	
uuyate = to weave	
uvaacha = said
va.nda = Worship	
va.nde = (Vr. Pr.I. P.Sing.AP)bow; salute	
va.nsha = family	
va.nshahiina = without family	
vaa = or	
vaa.nchh.h = to want	
vaa.nchhaa = (fem) desire	
vaa.ngmaya = full of speech	
vaachaa = speech	
vaachaala = capable of talking	
vaachaH = the Vedas	
vaachaM = words	
vaachyaM = to be spoken	
vaada = argument	
vaadaan.h = fabricated words	
vaadaH = (m) argument, discussion	
vaadayati = to play (a musical instrument)	
vaadinaH = the advocates	
vaadinii = she  who speaks	
vaagmii = master of speech	
vaahana = vehicle	
vaahanakaaraka = Significator of vehicles which is Venus	
vaaJNchhasi = you desire	
vaaJNchhita = desired	
vaak.h = language/speech	
vaakya = sentence	
vaakyaani = sentences	
vaakyaM = words	
vaakyena = words	
vaalmiikikokilam.h = the vAlmIki-cuckoo	
vaama = left side	
vaamaa.nkaaruuDha = having the left side of the body climbed, occupied by	
vaamadevaasana = Vamadeva's posture	
vaamana = Vishnu's fifth incarnation also known as trivikrama	
vaamaprakaasha = lovely shiningness	
vaame = left side	
vaaN^mayaH = full of the `word' i.e.  master of the word \& language	
vaaN^mayaM = of the voice	
vaanara = monkey	
vaanarayuuthamukhyam.h = the chieftain of the monkey brigade	
vaaNii = language	
vaaNiiM = speech	
vaaNijyaM = trade	
vaaNijyam.h = (n) trade, commerce	
vaapi = at all	
vaara = Day	
vaaradhipati = Ruler of the Day	
vaaraM = and again	
vaari-dhara = water-carrier(cloud )	
vaari = water	
vaarida = cloud (one who gives water)	
vaariNi = the one who prevents	
vaarivaaha = (m) cloud	
vaarshhNeya = O descendant of VRishhNi	
vaartaa = news	
vaartaaharaH = (m) reporter, journalist	
vaartaaM = word (here enquiry/inquiry)	
vaasaa.nsi = garments	
vaasaH = living	
vaasanaa = longings, craving	
vaasara = Day	
vaasas.h = apparel / clothes	
vaasava = indra	
vaasavaH = the heavenly king	
vaasita = made fragrant	
vaaso = cloth, dress	
vaastushaastra = study of architecture	
vaasudevaaH = KRishhNa	
vaasudevaH = the Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa	
vaasudevasya = of KRishhNa	
vaasukiH = Vasuki	
vaasukii = a name of Shesha	
vaata = (masc) wind	
vaataaTaH = (m) kite	
vaataatmajaM = the son of the wind-god (`vAta' or `vAyu)	
vaataavaraNam.h = (n) environment, also used to mean weather	
vaataayana = a horse	
vaataayanaasana = the horseface posture	
vaataayanaM = window	
vaataya = blow (like a wind?)	
vaaTikaa = (f) garden	
vaayau = air(life-breath)	
vaayoH = of the wind	
vaayu = wind	
vaayuH = the vital airs	
vachaH = words	
vachana = talk	
vachanaM = word	
vachane = (loc.sing) in words or speech	
vachasaa = with words	
vachmi = vachAmi or shall speak	
vad.h = to talk	
vada = please tell	
vada.nti = ( tell; speak	
vadana = face	
vadanaiH = by the mouths	
vadanam.h = (n) mouth	
vadanti = say	
vadasi = You tell	
vadati = (1 pp) to speak	
vadhanaM = face	
vadhuu = (f) bride	
vadishhyanti = will say	
vadyapaksha = Dark half of the lunar month	
vaH = your	
vahaa = Porter	
vahaami = carry	
vahamyahaM = vahAmi + ahaM:bear or carry + I	
vahati = (1 pp) to carry	
vahni = fire	
vahniH = fire ( for worship)	
vahnikaNa = spark	
vai = emphasis	
vaidyaH = doctor	
vaiGYaanikaH = (m) scientist	
vaikuNTha = the abode of Vishnu	
vaikuNThaadhipatii = ruler of vaikuNTha which is Vishnu	
vaimaanikaH = (m) pilot	
vainateyaH = Garuda	
vaira = enmity	
vairaagya = uncolouredness, not desiring physical objects	
vairaagyaM = renunciation	
vairaagyeNa = by detachment	
vairaajya = excelent rulership	
vairiNaM = greatest enemy	
vairishhu = on enemies	
vaisheshikaa = one of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy	
vaishhNava = a large sect of the followers of Sri Vishnu	
vaishravaNa = son of Vishravas (typically applied only to Kubera)	
vaishvaanaraH = My plenary portion as the digesting fire	
vaishya = the caste of merchants and professionals	
vaishyaH = mercantile people	
vaiyaakaraNa = Grammar	
vaiyaakaraNasyaishhaH = to the grammarian+this	
vajra-maNii = diamond	
vajra = one of the channels in the spine, a thunderbolt, diamond	
vajraasana = the thunderbolt posture	
vajraM = the thunderbolt	
vajram.h = (n) diamond	
vajrolii = the thunderbolt contraction	
vakra = Retrograde	
vakraa = (adj) curved, crooked	
vakraasana = the curved posture	
vakragati = not straight	
vakratuNDaaya = to one who has crooked limb or part(the twised broken tusk)	
vaksha = chest	
vakshaHsthalam.h = (n) breasts, chest	
vakshoja = breasts	
vakshyaami = shall explain	
vaktaaram.h = the man who speaks or utters	
vaktR^i = orator	
vaktra = the mouth	
vaktraaNi = the mouths	
vaktraM = face	
vaktuM = to say	
valakhilya = a class of tiny entities, about the size of a thumb	
valaya = circle	
valayam.h = (n) bangle	
valli = (fem) creeper	
vamati = (1 pp) to vomit	
vaN^ga = Bengal	
vana = forest	
vanachara = animal	
vanaM = forest	
vanaspatishaastram.h = botany	
vand.h = to bow down	
vanda = Worship	
vandate = (1 ap) to salute	
vande = worship	
vandita = praised, saluted	
vanhiH = fire	
vantaH = subject to	
vapati = (1 pp) to sow	
vapuH = body	
vara = Groom	
varaaha = the boar	
varaahaH = (m) pig, boar	
varaan.h = (masc.Acc.Pl.) boons; bridegrooms	
varaanane = Oh! lady having the best face!	
varada = the one granting boons	
varadaM = that which gives boons	
varadamuurtaye = to the personified boongiver	
varaH = better	
varaM = better	
vardhamaanakaH = (m) special containers used to store pickles	
vardhana = Who prospers	
vardhate = (1 ap) to grow, to increase	
varga = Divisional or Harmonic Charts	
vargamuula = square root	
vargottama = Same sign in navaa.nsha as in Bhavi usually increasing power for good or bad	
varishhTham.h = the foremost	
varjayet.h = (verb III P.sing.PP) should be avoided ; given up	
varjitaaH = are devoid of	
varNa = color	
varNaadii.n = the letter groups or caste groups	
varNaM = colors	
varNasaN^kara = of unwanted children	
varNasaN^karaH = unwanted progeny	
varNayaaM = do we describe	
varsha = Year	
varshaphala = Annual results. Method of Progression using Solar Returns	
varshh.h = to pour	
varshha = year	
varshhaa = monsoon	
varshhaM = rain	
varshhatu = (Vr.Imp.IIIP S)let it rain	
vartamaana = Present	
vartamaanaani = present	
vartamaanaH = being situated	
vartamana = present	
vartana = Behavior	
vartante = are being engaged	
vartate = (1 ap) to exist, to be	
vartaya = to operate (causal from vart.h)	
varte = I am engaged	
varteta = remains	
varteyaM = thus engage	
vartin.h = one who lives / behaves	
vartma = path	
vartmani = on the path	
varuNaH = the demigod controlling the water	
vas.h = to live	
vasaanaM = having worn	
vasana = dwelling	
vasanaM = pitambharam	
vasanta = the deity of Spring, also Spring itself	
vasantau = (and) Spring season	
vasat.h = one who lives	
vasati = (1 pp) to stay, dwell	
vasaunaaM = of the Vasus	
vasav = of clothes, wearing clothes	
vasavaH = the Vasus	
vasha = Agree	
vashaaH = (Nom.Pl.) (are under) control or influence	
vashaat.h = under obligation	
vashaM = control	
vashe = in full subjugation	
vashii = one who is controlled	
vashii+kR^i = to conquer, overcome	
vashya = under control	
vasti = internal cleansing	
vastra = Garment	
vastu = Article	
vastutaH = actually, in reality	
vastuuni = objects	
vasudhaa = earth	
vasudhaiva = vasudhA(fem.nom.sing.)earth;world +  eva:alone;itself	
vasudhara = one that is wearing vasu, earth	
vasun.h = the eight Vasus	
vasundharaa = (f) earth	
vaTavR^ikshaH = (m) a banyan tree	
vatsya = reside	
vaya = age	
vayaM = (pron) we	
vayanam.h = weaving	
vayasi = of age	
vayasigate = vayasi+gate, when age has advanced/gone	
veda = Ancient Indian Religious Texts	
vedaaH = Vedic literatures	
vedaanaaM = of all the Vedas	
vedaanta = Vedic method of Self-Realization	
vedaantakR^it.h = the compiler of the Vedanta	
vedaantavedyo = one knowable thro' `upanishat.h'	
vedaH = (masc.nom.sing.)the Veda	
vedaiH = by study of the Vedas	
vedakrama = vedaas	
vedanaa = feelings of pain	
vedavaadarataaH = supposed followers of the Vedas	
vedavidaH = persons conversant with the Vedas	
vedavit.h = the knower of the Vedas	
vedayaGYa = by sacrifice	
vede = in the Vedic literature	
vedeshhu = Vedic literatures	
vedhas.h = brahmaa	
vedhase = to the Brahman (like rAma)	
vedhashaalaa = (f) observatory (weather, solar)	
veditavyaM = to be understood	
vedituM = to understand	
vedyaH = knowable	
vedyaM = what is to be known	
vegaaH = speed	
vegaM = urges	
velaa = (fem) time	
veNii = (f) pigtail, ponytail	
veNuH = flute	
vepamaanaH = trembling	
vepathuH = trembling of the body	
vepathumathii = she who is sweating	
vesha = dress	
veshhaH = make-ups/garbs/roles	
veshhTiH = (m) dhoti	
vetanam.h = (n) salary	
vetta = the knower	
vettha = know	
vetti = knows	
vi.ndati = enjoys	
vi.nsha.nsha = A Varga. The harmonic twentieth division.  Used for delineating Religious fervour and accrued spiritual merit	
vi.nshopaka = A method of calculating planetary strength using the Vargas	
vi.nshottari = The most popular Dasha method in use today	
vi+apa+gam.h = to go away	
vi+bhaa = to adorn	
vi+chint.h = think	
vi+GYaa = to know	
vi+smR^i = to forget	
vibhaagashaH = in terms of division	
vibhaagayoH = differences	
vibhaavasau = in the fire	
vibhaktaM = divided	
vibhakteshhu = in the numberless divided	
vibhraantaaH = perplexed	
vibhramaH = bewilderment	
vibhrashhTaH = deviated from	
vibhuH = the Supreme Lord	
vibhuM = greatest	
vibhum.h = the Lord who shines	
vibhuush.h = to decorate	
vibhuushhaNa = ornament, asset	
vibhuutayaH = opulences	
vibhuuteH = of opulences	
vibhuuti = divine power	
vibhuutibhiH = opulences	
vibhuutiM = opulence	
vibhuutinaaM = opulences	
vichaalayet.h = should try to agitate	
vichaalyate = becomes shaken	
vichaara = thought	
vichaaraM = thought	
vichakshaNa = clever, wise	
vichakshaNaH = the experienced	
vichar.h = to think	
vichetasaH = bewildered	
vichintaya = think well	
vichintya = having thought	
vichitra = foolish, extraordinary, strange	
vichitraH = wonderful/mysterious	
vid.h = to obtain	
vidaahinaH = burning	
vidaarayati = to split apart	
vidadhaami = give	
vidaH = who understand	
viddhi = know for sure	
videsha = foreign land	
vidhaana = placing	
vidhaanoktaH = according to scriptural regulation	
vidhaatR^i = the creator	
vidhema = make	
vidheyaatmaa = one who follows regulated freedom	
vidhi = ritual	
vidhidishhTaH = according to the direction of scripture	
vidhihiinaM = without scriptural direction	
vidhiiyate = does take place	
vidhuuta = moving	
vidishaaM = non-direction	
viditaatmanaaM = of those who are self-realized	
viditam.h = known	
viditvaa = having known/realised	
vidmaH = do we know	
vidmahe = ?	
viduH = understood	
viduushhakaH = (m) clown, joker	
vidvaan.h = learned	
vidvat.h = scholar	
vidvattva = scholarliness	
vidvishhaavahai = may us not quarrel or hate	
vidya = education	
vidyaa = knowledge	
vidyaalayaH = (m) school	
vidyaamahaM = shall I know	
vidyaanaaM = of all education	
vidyaanidhiH = the stock-pile of knowledge (here rAma)	
vidyaarthii = (m) student	
vidyaarthinii = (f) student	
vidyaat.h = you must know	
vidyaaturaanaaM = ( of people who are indulging in knowledge	
vidyaavaan.h = a knowledgeable manor scholar	
vidyanipuNai = by the ace scholar Shankara (Plural is used for reverance)	
vidyate = there is	
vidyayaa = (fem.instr.sing.) by knowledge	
vidyut.hkandaH = (m) incandescent bulb	
vigata = having discarded	
vigatabhiiH = devoid of fear	
vigataH = is removed	
vigatajvaraH = without being lethargic	
vigataspR^ihaH = without being interested	
vighati = Equivalent to 24 seconds of clock time	
vighna = calamity	
vighnaiH = difficulties, obstacles	
vighnanaashine = to the destroyer of all obstacles	
vigraha = attack	
vigrahasandhau = for war(dissension) or peace-making	
viguNaH = even faulty	
viGYaana = comprehension, Science	
viGYaanaM = numinous knowledge	
viGYaanamaya = full of greater(scientific in a way) knowledge	
viGYaanii = scientist	
viGYaapana = advertisement, ad	
viGYaataM = has been known	
viGYaatuM = to know	
viGYaaya = after understanding	
vihaara = in relaxation	
vihaarasya = recreation	
vihaariNi = one who strolls	
vihaaya = giving up	
vihaga = bird	
vihiaa = vihitA?, understood	
vihiina = without	
vihiinaa = bereft	
vihita = prescribed	
vihitaaH = used	
vihitaan.h = arranged	
vihitaM = directed	
vihR^i = to roam	
viijati = to fan	
viiksh.h = to see	
viikshante = are beholding	
viikshya = having seen	
viira = the sentiment of valor	
viiraasana = the hero posture	
viirabhadraasana = the arrow posture	
viiraJNcha = name of Brahma	
viirya = vitality, enthusiasm, semen	
viiryaaM = glories	
viiryaM = valour	
viiryavaan.h = very powerful	
viita = free from	
viitaraagaaH = in the renounced order of life	
viithi = (f)  road, way	
vijaanataH = who is in complete knowledge	
vijaaniitaaH = are in knowledge	
vijaaniiyaM = shall I understand	
vijayaH = victory	
vijayaM = victory	
vijayate = is victorious	
vijayii = victorious man	
vijitaatmaa = self-controlled	
vijitendriyaH = sensually controlled	
vikaaraan.h = transformations	
vikaaraM = appearance (generally, grotesque/ugly)	
vikaari = changes	
vikaasaH = (m) progress, well-being, growth	
vikala = disabled	
vikalaM = not related or joined	
vikalpa = imagination, fancy	
vikampituM = to hesitate	
vikarmaNaH = of forbidden work	
vikarNaH = Vikarna	
vikhyaata = famous	
vikiirNa = scattered	
vikirati = to cast a net	
vikR^i = modify, alter	
vikR^ita = Ugly	
vikR^itavahaa = Ugly porter	
vikraantaH = mighty	
vikriiNiite = to sell	
vikrtaacharaNii = adj. mentally disturbed behaviour	
vikshepa = confusion	
vikshipta = mental aggitation	
vilagnaaH = becoming attached	
vilayamaM = extinct	
vilepana = smearing	
vilokayataaM = of those who are seeing	
vilokya = on seeing	
viloma = against the natural order of things	
vimaanam.h = (n) an aircraft, plane	
vimatsaraH = free from envy	
vimochana = freedom	
vimohayati = bewilders	
vimohitaaH = deluded	
vimokshaaya = meant for liberation	
vimokshaNaat.h = giving up	
vimokshyase = you will be liberated	
vimR^ishya = deliberating	
viMsati = (adj) twenty	
vimuchya = being delivered from	
vimuhyati = one is bewildered	
vimuJNchati = one gives up	
vimuktaanaaM = of those who are liberated	
vimuktaH = liberated	
vimuktaiH = by one who has become free from	
vimuuDha = foolish	
vimuuDhaaH = foolish persons	
vimuuDhaan.h = perfectly befooled	
vimuuDhabhaavaH = bewilderment	
vimuuDhaH = bewildered	
vina = without	
vinaa = without	
vinaasha = total destruction	
vinaashaaya = for the annihilation	
vinaashaH = destruction	
vinaashaM = destruction	
vinadya = vibrating	
vinaN^kshyasi = you will be lost	
vinashayasi = you destroy	
vinashyati = falls back	
vinashyatsu = in the destructible	
vinaya = humility	
vinayii = man with humility	
vindaami = I have	
vindate = enjoys	
vindati = (6 pp) to find	
vinigrahaH = control	
viniha.nsi = you kill	
vinimayaH = (m) exchange	
vinirmuktaaH = liberated	
vinishchitaiH = certain	
vinivartante = are practiced to be refrained from	
vinivR^itta = disassociated	
viniyamya = regulating	
viniyataM = particularly disciplined	
viniyogaH = distribution (of various limbs, postures)	
vinoda = humor	
vinodaya = divert/recreate(be happy)	
vipaaka = the distressing results of karmas	
vipaksha = of the opposite side	
vipariita = inverted, contrary to rule, wrong	
vipariitaan.h = in the wrong direction	
vipariitaani = just the opposite	
vipariitakaraNii = the upside-down posture	
vipariitaM = the opposite	
viparivartate = is working	
viparyaaya = a mistaken view	
viparyaya = inversion	
viparyayeNaa.api = by changing also	
vipashchit.h = (m) a learned man, scholar	
vipashchitaH = full of discriminating knowledge	
vipatti = calamity	
viphalaH = not good fruitless	
vipra = Brahmin, sage	
vipraaH = (masc.nom.Pl.)Brahmins	
viprapriyaM = the loved of the Brahmins	
vipratipanna = adj. perplexed	
vipratipannaa = without being influenced by the fruitive results	
vipula = ample	
vipulaM = more than enough, plenty	
viraagaH = Non-attachment/desirelessness	
viraam.h = to stop	
viraama = stop	
viraamaH = respite, full stop	
viraaTaH = Virata	
virachita = created	
virachitaM = created, composed	
viraha = separation	
virahitaM = without	
virakta = uninerested	
virala = rare	
virochana = a demon prince	
virodha = opposition	
visargaH = creation	
vishaakhaa = Sixteenth nakshatra	
vishaala = very great	
vishaalaakshau = (two)persons with (lotus-like)large eyes	
vishaalaM = vast	
vishaaM = and the vaisyas	
vishama\-vR^ittii = uneven or strained movement whilst breathing	
vishanti = enter	
vishate = he enters	
visheshha = particular	
visheshhaGYa = the knowledgeable or wise person	
visheshhasaN^ghaan.h = specifically assembled	
visheshhataH = especiaaly	
vishha = poison	
vishhaadaM = moroseness	
vishhaadi = morose	
vishhaaNa = horns	
vishhama = odd (as in odd or even)	
vishhame = in this hour of crisis	
vishhamiva = like poison	
vishhaya = kingdom (here)	
vishhayaaH = on the subject matter	
vishhayaan.h = sense objects	
vishhaye = in topics, in subjects	
vishheshhataa = difference	
vishhiidan.h = while lamenting	
vishhiidantaM = lamenting	
vishhNo = O Lord Visnu	
vishhNu = the preserver of life	
vishhNuH = the Lord MahaavishhNu	
vishhNutvaM = the quality/state of Brahman/god-realisation	
vishhopameyaM = poison-like	
vishhTabhya = pervading	
vishhThitaM = situated	
vishhuspR^isha = touched, tinged with poison (poison-tipped arrow?)	
vishishhTaaH = especially powerful	
vishishhyate = is by far the better	
vishleshha = lonely (antonym of aashleshha which is  embrace)	
vishuddha = pure	
vishuddhaatmaa = a purified soul	
vishuddhayaa = fully purified	
vishuddhaye = for clarifying	
vishvaamitra = vishvAmitra's	
vishvaasa = faith	
vishvaasabhuumi = trustworthy	
vishvaM = the universe	
vishvamaaryaM = vishvaM:Universe and AryaM: (acc.sing.):noble person	
vishvamuurte = O universal form	
vishvaruupa = in the form of the universe	
vishvasya = universe	
vishvataaH = from all around the world	
vishvatomukhaH = Brahma	
vishvatomukhaM = and in the universal form	
vishvavedaaH = one who has understood the world(vishva)	
vishvavidyaalayaH = (m) university	
vishve = the Visvedevas	
vishveshvara = O Lord of the universe	
vishyati = (4 pp) to pierce	
vismayaavishhTaH = being overwhelmed with wonder	
vismayaH = wonder	
vismayapadaM = object of wonder	
vismitaaH = in wonder	
visphuraNai = by emanation	
visR^ijaami = I create	
visR^ijan.h = giving up	
visR^ijya = putting aside	
vistaaraM = the expansion	
vistaarita = expanded	
vistaraH = the expanse	
vistarashaH = in detail	
vistarasya = to the extent	
vistareNa = in detail	
vitarati = to distribute	
vitarka = discernment	
vitataH = are spread	
vitR^i = to distribute	
vitR^ishhNaaM = desirelessness	
vitta = money	
vittakoshhaH = (m) bank	
vittaM = wealth	
vitte = wealth	
vitteshaH = the lord of the treasury of the demigods	
vivaaha = Wedding	
vivaahaM = marriage	
vivakshaa = choice	
vivardhanaaH = increasing	
vivarjita = without/ having abandoned	
vivarjitaM = devoid of	
vivasvaan.h = Vivasvan (the sun-god's name)	
vivasvataH = of the sun-god	
vivasvate = unto the sun-god	
viveka = discrimination	
vivekin.h = one who is thoughtful and just	
vividha = varied	
vividhaaH = various	
vividhaH = various	
vividhaiH = various	
vivikta = to solitary	
viviktasevii = living in a secluded place	
vivR^iddhaM = increased	
vivR^iddhe = when developed	
vivR^iNute = (Vr. Pr.III Per.S.AP)chooses	
viyogaM = extermination	
vR^iddha = aged	
vR^iddhaH = old man	
vR^iddhashravaaH = having become old with years of hearing knowledge	
vR^ijanaM = the ocean of miseries	
vR^ika = wolf	
vR^ikodaraH = the voracious eater (Bhima)	
vR^iksha = tree	
vR^ikshaasana = the tree posture	
vR^ikshi = I sing. aatmane. `injunctive' of vRij, `to avoid	
vR^inda = (n) group	
vR^intaakam.h = (n) brinjal	
vR^intam.h = (n) the stem of a flower	
vR^iNute = chooses	
vR^ishashaila = vRishaa hill	
vR^ishchika = The Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio	
vR^ishchikaasana = the scorpion posture	
vR^ishhabha = The Zodiacal Sign of Taurus	
vR^ishhabhaH = (m) bull, the Zodiacal Sign of Taurus	
vR^ishhNiinaaM = of the descendants of VRishhNi	
vR^ishhTi = rain	
vR^ishhTiH = (m) rain, showers	
vR^it.h = to exist	
vR^ithaa = (indecl) wanton, uselessly, idly	
vR^itta = desire	
vR^ittapatrikaa = (f) newspaper	
vR^ittii = tendancy	
vR^ittisthaaH = whose occupation	
vraata = disciplined course	
vraja = go	
vrajeta = walks	
vraNa = injury, wound (masc, neut)	
vraNaH = (m) scar	
vrata = austerities	
vrataaH = avowed	
vriddha = old, aged	
vyaadhaH = (m) hunter	
vyaadhi = disease	
vyaadhii = illness	
vyaaghraH = (m) tiger	
vyaaharan.h = vibrating	
vyaakshipati = (v) to postpone	
vyaakula = alarmed (adj)	
vyaakulatva = (neut) sorrow, concern	
vyaakulitaa = she who has been afflicted/affected	
vyaala = elephant	
vyaamishreNa = by equivocal	
vyaana = one of the vital airs, circulates energy all over the body	
vyaapaara = affair (masc)	
vyaaptaM = pervaded	
vyaapya = pervading	
vyaasaH = Vyasa	
vyaasaN^ga = varied interests, (involvement in) many hobbies	
vyaasaprasaadaat.h = by the mercy of Vyasadeva	
vyaasochchhishhThaM = vyAsa + uchchhishhThaM:by VyAsa + mouth-dropped	
vyabhichaarin.h = adj. deviate	
vyadaarayat.h = shattered	
vyajanam.h = (n) fan	
vyakta = made known	
vyaktayaH = living entities	
vyaktiM = personality	
vyaktitva = personality	
vyapaashrayaH = taking shelter of	
vyapaashritya = particularly taking shelter	
vyapadesha = (m) mention, name	
vyapetabhiiH = free from all fear	
vyara.nsiit.h = passed, elapsed	
vyartha = u(adj)seless, purposelss	
vyasana = addiction	
vyashema = ?	
vyathaa = trouble	
vyathanti = are disturbed	
vyathayanti = are distressing	
vyathishhThaaH = be disturbed	
vyatiitaani = have passed	
vyatitarishhyati = surpasses	
vyatta = open	
vyavaasitaaH = have decided	
vyavachchhetsiiH = cut or dissect	
vyavakalanam.h = (n) subtraction	
vyavasaayaatmikaa = resolute in KRishhNa consciousness	
vyavasaayaH = enterprise or adventure	
vyavasitaa = engaged	
vyavasitaH = situated in determination	
vyavasthitaan.h = situated	
vyavasthitau = put under regulations	
vyavasthitiH = the situation	
vyaya-bhaava = House of Expenditure/Loss or 12th	
vyayam.h = (n) expenditure, spending	
vyomachaariNaH = the people who wander over the sky (and `pAtAla'\&bhUtala')	
vyomagaamii = astronaut, cosmonaut	
vyoman.h = (n) the sky	
vyudasya = laying aside	
vyuuDhaaM = arranged	
vyuuDhaM = arranged in a military phalanx
ya = who	
ya.ntu = reach us	
yaa = to go	
yaabhiH = by which	
yaachaka = begger	
yaachate = (1 ap) to beg, to plead	
yaadasaaM = of all aquatics	
yaadR^ik.h = as it is	
yaaji = worshiper	
yaama = one-eighth part of day,  three yaamaas constitute one night	
yaamimaaM = all these	
yaamini = night	
yaamuna = of the yamunaa river	
yaan.h = those who	
yaanti = undergo	
yaasyasi = you will go	
yaatayaamaM = food cooked three hours before being eaten	
yaathaarthyameva = the original nature of things or the natural states + alone	
yaati = goes	
yaatraa = maintenance	
yaavaan.h = all that	
yaavachcha..ndrashcha = yAvat.h + chandraH + cha:till the moon and (sun last)	
yaavantaH = as many as	
yaavat.h = by the time when	
yadaa = when	
yadaayuH = yat+AyuH	
yadeva = yat.h + eva: whatever + itself or alone	
yadi = if	
yadR^ichchhaa = out of its own accord	
yadR^ichchhayaa = by its own accord	
yadvaa = whether	
yadvat.h = as	
yadyapi = even though	
yadyat.h = whatever	
yaGYa = a sacrifice	
yaGYaaH = sacrifices	
yaGYaanaaM = sacrifices	
yaGYaarthaat.h = done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu	
yaGYaat.h = from the performance of sacrifice	
yaGYaaya = for the sake of Yajna (KRishhNa)	
yaGYabhaavitaaH = being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices	
yaGYaH = performance of yajna	
yaGYaiH = with sacrifices	
yaGYakshapita = being cleansed as the result of such performances	
yaGYaM = sacrifice	
yaGYashishhTa = of the result of such performances of yajna	
yaGYashishhTaa = of food taken after performance of yajna	
yaGYavidaH = conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices	
yaGYe = in sacrifice	
yaGYena = by sacrifice	
yaGYeshaH = lord of all sacrifices, worshipping rites	
yaGYeshhu = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice	
yaH = anyone who	
yajaama = I pl `imperative' parasmaipada of yaj	
yajantaH = sacrificing	
yajante = they worship by sacrifices	
yajanti = they worship	
yajati = (1 pp) to sacrifice	
yajatraaH = doing yAga or yagya or sacrifice?	
yajinaH = devotees	
yajuH = the Yajur Veda	
yajurvedaH = Yajur Veda	
yakR^it.h = liver	
yaksha = the Yaksas	
yaksharakshaa.nsi = demons	
yaksharakshasaaM = of the Yaksas and Raksasas	
yakshye = I shall sacrifice	
yallabhase = yat.h+labhase, whatever+(you)obtain	
yaM = one to whom	
yama = the god of death, also the five moral commandments	
yamaduutaanaaM = the messengers of the lord of death (yama)	
yamaH = the controller of death	
yamena = by Yama, the lord of Death	
yamevaisha = yaM + eva + esha: him + itself or alone + this	
yantR^i = charioteer	
yantra = a design used in meditation	
yantraagaaram.h = (n) factory	
yantram.h = (n) machine	
yasha = Success	
yashaa.nsi = reputation	
yashaH = fame	
yashas.h = glory	
yashhTavyaM = must be performed	
yashhTikaasana = the stick posture	
yashhTikriiDaa = (f) dandia (a dance using wooden sticks)	
yashovaan.h = man with fame	
yasmaat.h = from whom	
yasmai = that person to whom	
yasmin.h = in which	
yasya = whose	
yasyaaM = in which	
yat.h = to strive	
yata = controlled	
yataatma = self-controlled	
yataatmanaaH = engaged in self-realization	
yataatmavaan.h = self-situated	
yatachetasaaM = who have full control over the mind	
yatachitta = controlling the mind	
yatachittaatmaa = always careful in mind	
yatachittasya = whose mind is controlled	
yataH = because	
yatamaanaH = endeavoring	
yatantaH = fully endeavoring	
yatanti = endeavor	
yatasyataH = wherever	
yatataa = while endeavoring	
yatataaM = of those so endeavoring	
yatataH = while endeavoring	
yatate = (1 app) to attempt, to try	
yatati = endeavors	
yatayaH = enlightened persons	
yathaa = just as (or how)	
yathaabhaagaM = as differently arranged	
yathaavat.h = as they are	
yati = Mendicant	
yatiinaaM = of the saintly persons	
yatna = effort	
yatnaM = effort	
yatra = wherein	
yauvana = youth	
yauvanaM = youth	
yavana = Foreign	
yavanikaa = (f) curtain	
yayaa = by which	
yayau = went (past perfect tense of yaa gachha meaning to go)	
ye = those who	
yena = by whom	
yenakenachit.h = with anything	
yeshhaaM = whose	
yethechchayaa = (adverb) at will	
yo = who	
yo.adhiite = who studies	
yo.ayaM = this system	
yoddhavyaM = have to fight	
yoddhukaamaan.h = desiring to fight	
yodhaaH = the soldiers	
yodhamukhyaiH = chiefs among the warriors	
yodhaviiraan.h = great warriors	
yoga = effort	
yogaaruuDhaH = elevated in yoga	
yogaasana = the anchor posture	
yogaat.h = from the mystic link	
yogaaya = for the sake of devotional service	
yogabalena = by the power of mystic yoga	
yogabhrashhTaH = one who has fallen from the path of self-realization	
yogadaNDaasana = the yogin's staff posture	
yogadhaaraNaaM = the yogic situation	
yogaH = KRishhNa consciousness	
yogaiH = by devotional service	
yogakaaraka = Planet in both its Rashi and navaa.nsha sign giving it Swakshetra-like strength. Also a combination that produces a Yoga	
yogakshemaM = family welfare	
yogaM = self-realization	
yogamaayaa = by internal potency	
yogamaishvaraM = inconceivable mystic power	
yoganidraa = the sleep of yoga, where the body is resting but the mind is awake	
yoganiyojita = ccontrolled by yoga	
yogarataH = indulging in yoga	
yogasa.nGYitaM = called trance in yoga	
yogasa.nsiddhiM = the highest perfection in mysticism	
yogasevayaa = by performance of yoga	
yogasthaH = equipoised	
yogasya = about yoga	
yogau = work in devotional service	
yogavittamaaH = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga	
yogayaGYaaH = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism	
yogayuktaatmaa = one who is dovetailed in KRishhNa consciousness	
yogayuktaH = engaged in devotional service	
yoge = in work without fruitive result	
yogena = in devotional service	
yogeshvara = O Lord of all mystic power	
yogeshvaraat.h = from the master of all mysticism	
yogeshvaraH = the master of mysticism	
yogii = one who practices yoga (Male)	
yogin.h = one who practices yoga (Male)	
yoginaaM = of the devotees	
yoginaH = mystics	
yoginaM = yogi	
yoginii = one who practices yoga (Female)	
yogya = like	
yogyataa = appropriateness	
yojakastatra = yojakaH + tatra:the joiner and there	
yojinii = (f) stapler	
yoktavyaH = must be practiced	
yonayaH = sources of	
yoni = species of life	
yoniH = source of birth	
yonii = vagina, womb, or the source	
yoniini = whose source of birth	
yoniM = species	
yonishhu = into the wombs	
yotsyamaanaan.h = those who will be fighting	
yuddha = Planetary War	
yuddhaat.h = than fighting	
yuddhaaya = for the sake of fighting	
yuddhaM = war	
yuddhavishaaradaaH = experienced in military science	
yuddhe = in the fight	
yudhaamanyuH = Yudhamanyu	
yudhi = in the fight	
yudhishhThiraH = Yudhisthira	
yudhya = fight	
yudhyasva = fight	
yudhyate = (4 ap) to fight	
yuga = World Ages	
yugale = dual	
yugapat.h = simultaneously	
yuge = millennium	
yuj.h = to yoke, join, concentrate on	
yuJNjan.h = practicing	
yuJNjataH = constantly engaged	
yuJNjiita = must concentrate in KRishhNa consciousness	
yuJNjyaat.h = should execute	
yujyasva = engage (fight)	
yujyate = is engaged	
yukta = used	
yuktaa = with	
yuktaaH = engaged	
yuktaatma = having the mind firmly set on	
yuktaatmaa = self-connected	
yuktachetasaH = their minds engaged in Me	
yuktaH = dovetailed	
yuktaiH = engaged	
yuktasya = engaged	
yuktatamaaH = most perfect in yoga	
yuktatamaH = the greatest yogi	
yukte = being yoked	
yuktena = being engaged in meditation	
yukti = utility ; proportion	
yuktvaa = being absorbed	
yuta = equipped with	
yutaka = (n) shirt	
yuutha = (neut) collection, troop	
yuvaa = the two youths	
yuvan.h = young	
yuyaM = (pron) you (pl)	
yuyudhaanaH = Yuyudhana	
yuyutsavaH = desiring to fight	
yuyutsuM = all in a fighting spirit	

Sanskrit dictionary Volume I

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Sanskrit dictionary Volume II

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